President Trump's complete compiled Birth AStrology Char AKA Birth Natal Chart

in #potus7 years ago (edited)


Born Jun. 12 1954, 10:54AM in queens new york
(Hour of Mercury)

In this interpretation, we will follow the following plan:
- introduction
- general points
- major aspects
- planets in houses
The house system used is Placidus

Copyright (c) 1994, 1996 by Clairvision School Foundation


Character oriented astrology
In this chart interpretation, you will notice the terms 'character' and 'soul forces'. Characters are subpersonalities, that is, various facets of the psyche. In a person, there may be several characters and soul forces which are not yet consciously recognized, but have potential and may only surface with time - or perhaps remain buried in the depths of the psyche.
The Clairvision approach sees the astrological chart as a map of a person's characters. You should not be surprised if some of the characters described in the interpretation are not apparent. They may have been conspicuous only in one earlier phase of the person's life, or they may not have blossomed yet - or perhaps they correspond to deep unconscious material. Because one of the most exciting sides of astrological interpretation is to reveal hidden soul forces and potential, the characters described in the interpretation that the person cannot recognize in themselves may actually be the most important.

Nothing is fixed
An important aspect of the Clairvision approach to astrology is that it considers that nothing is fixed. A chart has many facets, and free will can determine which qualities will be developed, and which avenues of life will be trodden.

This interpretation is valid both for tropical and sidereal charts
As you will notice, this interpretation emphasizes planetary aspects the most, and disregards the position of the planets in signs. The astrologers of the Clairvision School are in favour of a sidereal system of astrology (taking into account the precession of the equinoxes) because this matches the astronomical reality of the constellations more closely. In a sidereal chart, all the positions of the planets in signs differ by more than 23 degrees from those in a tropical chart. However, planetary aspects and the positions of planets in houses remain the same. So the interpretation we are offering you here remains the same for tropical and sidereal charts.


In this chart...
*) Mercury is strong because:
-trine Moon
-ruler of the hour

Notice the following groups of planets:
*) The cluster Neptune – Saturn – Moon – Black Moon in the 2nd and 3rd
*) The cluster Mercury - Sth Node - Uranus - Venus in the 11th house.
*) The conjunction Mars - Nth Node in the 4th and 5th houses.


Note: the aspects are presented in a carefully selected order which reflects their importance in this chart.

Conjunction Mercury-Venus, orb = 09°13'
A harmonious combination of planetary forces.
It brings lightness, youthfulness, flexibility, joyfulness.
Sensitivity, artistic abilities, sense of aesthetics - the Mercurian mind taking up Venusian sensuality.
Mercury likes to communicate, Venus adds softness. The associations suggests diplomatic skills; the native knows how to ease tension and create a space of harmony in which communication can flow.
The native gets along well with young people.
On a higher, spiritual, level, Mercury and Venus are two planets of connection with angelic beings. The conjunction may therefore indicate the potential for spiritual connections of an extremely high level - but that will probably not appear much until the native follows a serious work of spiritual transformation.
In most cases, however, a Mercury-Venus conjunction is not extremely significant in itself, for two reasons. Firstly, Mercury and Venus are fast moving planets, never extremely far from each other, so that the conjunction occurs relatively often. Secondly, both planets can change their characteristics dramatically depending on which other planets they are aspected too.
Significance will come more from other aspects contracted by Venus and Mercury. Conjunctions usually indicate accumulations of forces. By itself, a Mercury-Venus does not accumulate much. If however, other planets are either conjunct or otherwise aspected to Mercury and Venus, then there may be significant reinforcement of these other connections.

Conjunction Mercury-Uranus, orb = 06°35'
Key words: originality and intelligence; imparts strong Uranus values to the personality.
Due to the affinity between the two planets, any aspect between Mercury and Uranus is likely to play a significant influence in a chart.
It is a basically favorable combination. Mercury is the planet of the mind. Uranus gives intuition, higher intelligence and 'supermind' connections.
Capacity for abstract thinking.
Super-fast thought processes.
Intuition. Flashes of vision and inspiration.
Intelligence. Lateral thinking.
Sun-Uranus and Mercury-Uranus are the two planetary combinations which can most directly suggest genius.
Can also bring a certain degree of impatience/frustration - the person thinks and moves much faster than the rest of the population.
Inventive, innovative.
Unconventional and original. Unconcerned with trivialities.
Independent. Can have difficulties being under someone else's authority.
Likes change. Can have some difficulty putting up with routines.
When they tell you: "You're going to be surprised...", it is the truth!
*Sense of humor:
Likes to play with language and make disguised puns.
But not everyone can follow them - which is not without causing frustration.
Mercury-Uranus characters
*The technological wizard character:
Good with technology, computers.
Well capable of reading a manual.
Always knows about the latest trends.
Catches on to new ideas quickly and easily assimilates new concepts, for which they are thirsty,
turned towards the future.
Often have at least a phase of passion for science fiction.
Promethean mind.
Will often question whether their boss is as intelligent as they are.
*The Uranus rebel character:
'Change is good - reformation is better'.
Bored with slow moving people, jobs and life situations.
Hates to be told what to do. Rebellious.
Hates following routines and established rules.
Here, the Uranus originality can take the form of a revolutionary ideology.
At its maximum, this character can become really dangerous (computer hackers, terrorists ):
involved, intelligent and efficient as Uranus can be;
but totally out of control and totally unpredictable.
(The Sun-Uranus combination can give the same character.)
*The Uranus nervous character:
Hates waiting. Frustration. The world (and its people) are too slow.
Speaks fast.
Sometimes hectic or even erratic - in speech and in behavior.
Agitation, nervousness, insomnia.
Mind rushes - lots of ideas in all directions in their mind.
Lacks fixity. Better at starting things than at finishing them.
If your partner has a major Mercury-Uranus aspect: it is likely you have a strong Uranus too, otherwise they would not have chosen you in the first place. If you have not, then you will need a crash course in Uranian values. Speed up - learn to do everything faster. Accumulate technological gadgets in the kitchen, the bathroom and other parts of the house, and demonstrate that you can use them conversant. Use only the latest software on your computer. Send them e-mail love letters via your fax modem. Develop your sense of humor (if you have none, then better give up immediately.)
If you want to keep a Uranian partner, keep surprising him/her. Remember Uranus hates routines, and is likely to see any long term situation without drastic change as a gradual suffocation.
And of course, be prepared for a lot of surprises yourself.
Working on yourself: if the Mercury-Uranus combination plays an important role in your chart, you will love the Clairvision work on the transformation of thinking and in particular the developments related to the 'power of the point' and access to supermind frequencies.

Conjunction Venus-Uranus, orb = 02°38'
Venus, planet of feelings, values and sensitivity receives the awakening influence of Uranus.
This gives a sense of ideal, in love of course, but also more generally throughout the spectrum of the person's values.
Creativity: Uranus being the planet of inspirational flashes and even genius, the association with Venus can result in outpourings of creativity.
Especially in a conjunction or an opposition, it can be amazingly original. The native has what it takes to bring genuine innovations in artistic disciplines, or in whatever fields he/she applies his/her creative talents to.
Creativity comes in sudden outbursts, during which the native becomes completely absorbed in what he/she is doing.
This aspect is favorable for the creators of the Age of Aquarius. Uranus is good at technology, and thus the native may excel in marrying art and technology or, more generally, in using technology in whatever form of creative expression they have chosen.
People with a Uranus-Venus aspect should always be encouraged to use their creative potential and find a field in which they can express themselves. Apart from bringing valuable contributions to others, this will also allow them to find an outlet for the strong Uranus winds which flow through their consciousness. Creating is for them a way of discharging tension and finding a balance.
Love and Feelings: The encounter of Venus, planet of romance, and Uranus, planet of the unexpected, is bound to bring an element of surprise in the sentimental life of the native.
Some encounters may suddenly change the emotional landscape.
There may also be a tendency to be attracted to original people or the unconventional - and more generally to people with a Uranus personality. If your partner has a Venus-Uranus aspect, beware! If you are too conventional and make no effort to surprise them at times, they may well find you boring, and do what Uranus is so good at doing: move, and fast! Conversely, if you want to gain favour with someone with this aspect - surprise them. They've got rhythm, can you follow? Use your sense of humor, which Uranus is nearly always fond of. Last but not least, leave them plenty of space, for their nature is highly independent.
(Note that this applies not only to sexual relationships but to all forms of associations and partnerships.)
Uranus hates routines. There is definitely a need for some originality in the way relationships are set, conducted, and also possibly finished. The sex life may also prove far more original than that of the average person (Uranus loves to experiment). It's got to be magic, or it's a waste of time.
Deeper even than all of this, the idealistic temperament of Uranus combined with the High Priest(ess) side of Venus may set the native in quest of the ideal love, the perfect union which is (even) more mystic than sexual.
Stability, though, may be a problem for the native.
As with the Moon-Uranus combination, there may be a tendency to rush into relationships or even marriage without having fully contemplated all the facets of the partner one feels burningly attracted to.
If he or she follows the more impetuous side of his/her Uranus nature, there may be a tendency to quit relationships or partnerships at any time and for minor reasons, or even as soon as they are started. Whenever Uranus is prominent, the Saturn values of patience and perseverance may be critically needed in order to avoid chaos.
People in whom this Venus-Uranus aspect is hot will be well inspired to have a few common-sensed friends from whom they can seek advice before getting married, divorced, or pregnant. Otherwise their life may become painfully erratic.

Trine Moon-Mercury, orb = 06°39'
Key words: receptivity, memory, imagination, access to the unconscious.
*What the astrological tradition says:
The Mercury-Moon combination is regarded as good for imagination and memory.
The Moon brings receptivity to the mind.
The imagination can be related to Mercury having access to subconscious material (Moon).
Possibly feeling (Moon) other people's thoughts.
*As far as we are concerned:
Moon-Mercury is part of the 'chameleon' combinations which do not have a strong 'flavor' of their own. It is likely to give completely different results depending on which other planets are aspected to it. In a number of cases, the Moon-Mercury association may not even modify these other aspects very much.

Opposition Mercury-Mars, orb = 08°51'
The Mars-Mercury combination tends to impart the qualities of Mars to the mental organization:

  • alertness, sharpness, mental agility, mental stamina;
  • discernment, critical mind;
  • can have a lot of clarity if he/she does not let himself/herself be heated up with anger;
  • sharp tongue, can talk a lot;
  • enjoys debates, likes to challenge ideas and people, argumentative.
    This association of planetary forces can bring a strong sense of humor, and a witty temperament.
    If not properly controlled, a Mars-Mercury aspect can also lead to impulsiveness, agitation.
    If your partner has a strong Mercury-Mars aspect:
    Make sure that all issues are talked out. A Mars-Mercury person can be the one who keeps a bee in their bonnet.
    Perhaps you may learn to recognize when the Mars-Mercury energy becomes heated up in them and not let yourself be caught in useless arguments and table-tennis types of discussions. The more you respond, the more your partner's Mars will heat up. Unconditional opening and receptivity, on the other hand, may de-activate the process in one minute and restore a field of open communication.
    Whenever you feel that tension is rising, an excellent tactic can also be to deviate it into humor - a quality that is rarely lacking in Mars-Mercury people.
    Working on yourself:
    It could be that anger is one of your issues in life.
    If you feel harassed by thoughts when meditating, it is essential that you engage in a systematic eradication of deeply rooted emotional charges. On an unseen level, these are the fuel that feeds your continuous trains of thoughts. Rather than fighting against the mind, engage in an in-depth exploration and cleaning of your subconscious mind.
    A Mercury-Mars mind is strong. This may mean strong mental resistance in the beginning. But once overcome, your spiritual vision may well be endowed with especially strong qualities of discernment. The Mercury-Mars association is one for 'penetration vision', or 'clair-vision'. The stamina which used to feed relentless thoughts becomes tamed through your practice and becomes an energy which allows you to access hyper-conscious frequencies of the supermind.

Opposition Mercury-Nth Node, orb = 00°05'
Conjunction Mercury-Sth Node, orb = 00°05'
Watch out! As the orb is only 00°05', this aspect is extremely tight.
Moreover, Mercury is strong in this chart.
This makes this aspect super-powerful - one of the most powerful of all aspects in the chart.
In a chart, the South Node stands for past lives. Its conjunction with Mercury suggests past lives in which the values of this planet were prominent:

  • Mercury is a planet of multiple changes. These may have resulted in an accumulation of skills in various fields, which now results in a versatile personality. 'Jack of all trades'.
  • The down side could be a certain instability, if not fleetly dispositions.
  • Mercury conjunct South Node could also indicate 'brainy' past lives in which the logical mind was favored and substantially developed, which could lead to being trapped in one's logical framework. This would point towards the necessity of now developing the right hemisphere of the brain in order to be able to move towards one's North Node future.

Trine Mercury-Black Moon, orb = 02°45'
Adds depth to Mercury, and connection between the conscious and subconscious levels of the mind.
Mercury can only gain in depth from its association with the Black Moon. The Black Moon adds sharpness and wit. Mercury allows an expression of the profound values associated with the Black Moon (which signifies the unconscious levels of the psyche). The combination can bring wisdom, as well as intuition. On a simple level, this intuition will result in instant and extremely accurate insights into other people's emotions - knowing their nature from the inside, rather than judging them by their facade.
The understanding of other people's psychology also has to do with the fact that the native's own inner life is quite sophisticated and complex. Mercury stands for the conscious mind, Black Moon for the subconscious and unconscious parts of the psyche. The association of the two means that there are more bridges between the different levels of the psyche than in other individuals.
This will not always be easy to bear. At times, this open communication between conscious and unconscious mind will trigger heavy emotions, crises, anxiety or even depression. Still, it is the foundation for a high degree of self knowledge.
On a higher level, this aspect of Mercury to the Black Moon can help you become quite psychic (Clairvision higher mode). For Lilith-Black Moon, a highly metaphysical point in the chart, is plugged directly into your Mercury-mental consciousness. This means a natural affinity with the hidden mysteries of life, and a great capacity to fathom them.

Conjunction Moon-Saturn, orb = 05°02'
Key words: many good sides of Saturn, practical sense, self control, persistence; but also possibly a certain deep inner sadness.
Not a harmonious combination: the Moon's watery softness and fertile symbolism may suffer from too close an association with the structured and dry Saturn.
*Many of the positive qualities of Saturn:
Practical. Moon tendency to chaos fully counterbalanced and reorganized by Saturn.
Sense of emotional structure (as opposed to Moon scatteredness).
Self control, self discipline, restraint, tact, calmness.
Seriousness, reliability, dependability.
Persistence. Honesty, straightness.
Simplicity, frugality, good at saving, thriftiness.
Good with figures (a great combination for accounting).
*The cold Moon character:
Sadness. Feeling (Moon) cold (Saturn) and/or cold feelings. Loneliness, aloneness. Episodes of depression. "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child" (mother = Moon, Saturn = separation).
Lack of affection at key times of their past, in particular childhood. Poor little child character. Painful memories of the past.
A child with such a combination should be flooded with affection and warmth. But can they take it? There is a tendency to isolate oneself and not allow love to reach through.
Working on yourself: look for the inner child.
A Moon-Saturn major aspect often calls for the healing of the child inside you, and of the deep sadness it carries. Learn the Moon values of playfulness. Indulge in joy, not in sadness.
Do not necessarily blame your parents for your present moods. With Moon-Saturn, these might well be exactly the same even if you had had fantastic parents.
Learn to give more love, but even more important, learn to receive it. Allow other people's warmth to reach you.
Learn to receive love from the cosmic Mother.

Conjunction Moon-Black Moon, orb = 03°55'
A major aspect of the Black Moon to the Moon tends to add depth and stamina to it. The Moon, which by itself can be rather mellow, is reinforced by the qualities of independence and originality associated with the Black Moon, which many astrologers associate with Lilith the rebel, the woman who was created at the same time as Adam, not after him, and who separated from him because she could not bear to be subjected to his authority.
The Moon and Black Moon are both related to the subconscious and unconscious parts of the psyche. People with this aspect are likely to be quite in touch with the depth of themselves.
Consequently, at times there will be extremely violent emotions - the monsters of the depth are not buried far away, as they are in most people; they tend to manifest more directly in the person's mind.
But on the higher mode, the result of a Black Moon - Moon major aspect can be an exceptional intuition. In particular, the person can understand other people and feel what they feel as if they were inside them. There is also likely to be easy access to clairvoyance and higher aspects of spiritual Sight.
With this aspect, it is likely that the transits of the Black Moon on the native Moon and Black Moon will be felt with great intensity. On the lower mode, they may cause periods of emotional instability. But on the higher mode (if the native has worked on himself/herself) they may be times when great inner insights can be achieved, as well as remarkable spiritual progress.

Conjunction Saturn-Neptune, orb = 09°40'
Key words: depth, inspiration, artistic and spiritual tendencies.
The combination has excellent sides: Saturn counteracts the possible blurriness associated with Neptune, and provides a structure to receive Neptunian inspiration in a conscious, useable way - not just in the form of vague dreams as is always the danger with Neptune.
Great values of inspiration, artistic and spiritual, can correspond to this aspect, as well as compassion (Neptune) with wisdom (Saturn).
The Neptunian idealism also can only benefit from Saturn's structure and capacity to make things concrete. For instance Gandhi (grand trine Saturn, Neptune, Moon) who was able to inspire a spiritual/cultural movement with his ideals.
Possible drawbacks of the association could be a certain coldness (Saturn and Neptune are both cold planets). In the same symbolic line, ascetic tendencies.
However, Saturn and Neptune are both slow planets. Aspects between them last for several months, and therefore appear in the chart of anyone born during these months. This means that they are not necessarily very specific, that is, significant in an individual chart, unless Saturn or Neptune are aspected to other planets or to the angles.
Characters related to the Saturn-Neptune combination:
*The Saturn-Neptune musician/artist:
This combination of planetary forces can give great musical abilities.
Sense of harmony - Neptunian harmony combining with Saturnian sense of structure. 'Harmony of the spheres' (celestial non-physical music) combination. Intuitive perception of structures and archetypal forms behind music, and delight in their contemplation.
Depth of connection.
Power of concentration. But at the same time, with depth and not with a narrow focus. Capacity to embrace vast topics.
*The Saturn-Neptune ascetic/mystic (a much rarer type, in its full extent):
The Hermit of the Tarot deck.
Fantastic insights and mystic connections. Can spend years in meditation/contemplation. Deep sense of the cosmic harmony in the universe.
A St-John of the Cross combination.
For the potentially not so good sides of this character:
Macrobiotic fanatic. Brown rice in large measure.
Contempt for the senses and for sex. Danger of self-denial through restrictions and/or celibacy in the name of spirituality.

Conjunction Saturn-Black Moon, orb = 08°57'
Aspects between the Black Moon and Saturn are powerful, in particular because of the affinity of the two objects (in the Kabbalah, Lilith is related to the planet Saturn).
The Black Moon's aspiration for perfection and the rigorous, exacting nature of Saturn reinforce each other. The combination can result in an extreme need for purity. If Saturn is strong in the chart, this is an aspect for brown rice and a carefully selected diet (not one mouthful in excess), and great cleanliness in general.
There is a profound need for inner clarity. This also has to do with the fact that at times, Saturn can get locked in the shadow side of the Black Moon. Unless great inner clarity has been achieved, this may result in phases of gloomy depression.
Watch in particular the periods when the Black Moon transits the natal Saturn and Black Moon. These are potential times of crisis. If unprepared, their intensity may take you by surprise. The more you know yourself and have explored the depth of your unconscious mind, the more these times of transits are likely to bring realizations and positive change in your life rather than depression.
On the higher mode, both the Black Moon and Saturn are potentially very wise. They both have depth and reinforce each other in intensity. Combined with Saturn's inherent structuring power, the sharpness of Black Moon can flourish in intelligence and wit. The result is a N.B.Y. (Not Born Yesterday) person who cannot be fooled by appearances and knows how to respond to all situations.

Sextile Moon-Mars, orb = 02°11'
Key words: fiery Moon.
This basically disharmonious combination of planets can express in various ways - certainly not all bad. Moreover, the native is in no way fixed in a discordant psychological framework. However, there is the need for an inner work in order to integrate the opposite values of the two planets, which will probably be more difficult if the aspect is tight.
Moon-Mars characters:
*The fiery Moon:
The good side of the combination: Mars adds fire and spice to the Moon feelings.
Emotional stamina. Hot feelings. Passionate nature. Ardent love.
Burning imagination.
Can become extremely enthusiastic about projects or people.
Can experience hot levels of devotion when engaged in a spiritual path.
*The restless, 'venom in the soup' Moon:
Agitation. The Moon propensity for chaos supported by Mars' dynamism.
Compulsive activity which is not always productive. Mars' direction swamped in Moon malaise.
Has difficulty finding peace in meditation - the mind never seems to let go of thoughts. Restless emotions.
Never satisfied - it's never good enough. Pain in the neck character.

Trine Moon-Jupiter, orb = 03°50'
Key words: the blossomed, opened, nice person. Prolific creativity. Strong biological level.
*The Moon-Jupiter really nice person:
Very open, loving, willing. Blossoming.
Positive, optimistic, generous (many of the good psychological sides of Jupiter).
Fun. Joviality. Joie de vivre. Happy go lucky. Loves jokes.
Soft, easy to get on with. Very sociable.
Popularity. Knows lots of people.
Good with children.
Possibly a certain degree of carelessness, laisser faire.
*On the higher level, prolific creativity:
The Moon, planet of life and reproduction. Jupiter, planet of expansion in large measure. The combination can be extremely prolific.
Think of Franz Schubert (Moon conjunct Jupiter), for instance, who would just sit in a coffee bar and write lieder (songs) in a few hours (he wrote 603 of them, as well as operas and more, even though he died in his early thirties). Or think of exceptionally prolific writers such as Jules Verne (Moon conjunct Jupiter), Honore de Balzac (Moon opposed Jupiter), Agatha Christie, Victor Hugo, Robindronath Togore (all with Moon trine Jupiter.)
In the chart of a creator, a Moon-Jupiter aspect is always welcome, for it supports fecundity.
*On the lower level, the biological phenomenon is strong:
If the Moon is not given any creative outlet, then it can simply be that the life functions and related needs play an important part in the person's psyche. The 'biological level' is strong (Moon and Jupiter are the two planets of the etheric body, layer of life force).
Focus towards eating, strong sexual needs. At least at times, intense need to have children. Possibly transposed to keeping animals.
Possibly a certain degree of indulgence.
The last thing one wants with an aspect like this is an eclipse of sensuality in which the sex drive is redirected towards eating.
In terms of subtle bodies: solid, thick etheric layer.
*Down from the lower level, omnidirectional gluttony:
Excessive (Jupiter) sensuality (Moon). No holding back.
At best, this can manifest in the form of a Moon-Jupiter gastronome character.
Loves eating. Glutton.
At its worst: slothfulness. Neglected appearance: disheveled, unkempt, sloppy, bedraggled. The disgusting Falstaff or Jabba the Hut in Star Wars.
*Another way down, the swamp-mother:
Intense need to be a mother and be surrounded by lots of offspring (and their own offspring too.)
Smothering mother, who transposes her sensual needs into her relationship with her children.

Sextile Moon-Nth Node, orb = 06°44'
Trine Moon-Sth Node, orb = 06°44'
The North Node points towards destiny. Its association with the Moon suggest that it is by experiencing the values of the Moon within oneself that one finds one's destiny. This points towards the necessity of using one's sensitivity and yin qualities, as well as imagination and right side of the brain. And also the values of nurturing and of service rendered to others. It can also mean that there is a need to connect with the child inside and develop playful attitudes to life.
In a female nativity, this configuration may also manifest in the form of a deep pull for having children.

Sextile Mars-Saturn, orb = 02°51'
Key words: channeled will power, self control and superior perseverance; or inhibition by Saturnian limitations.
Mars and Saturn are two planets of antagonistic values: Mars by nature is fiery, outgoing, impulsive; Saturn is cautious, introverted, and cool. The encounter between the two contains great promises, but will pose a challenge in integrating the dialectically opposed qualities.
Characters and soul forces related to the Mars-Saturn combination:
*The Mars-Saturn will power (if harmonious integration has been reached):
Mars' libido-fire-will be well channeled by Saturn. The arrow of Mars knows exactly where it is going.
Capacity for concentration. Planned and carefully prepared action. Precision. Organization. Discipline. Self control.
Persistence, determination. Duration in effort. Unwavering.
Has earth element (Saturn) to support the Mars. Common sense. Grounding.
Solid, serious, responsible, reliable, trustworthy.
Good at progressive enterprises that succeed by methodically overcoming obstacle after obstacle.
Good at building - a master builder.
Good judgment (Mars -Saturn is THE combination for judgment). Good at making decisions. Excellent manager/board executive. Often picked for positions of responsibility.
*The Mars-Saturn cautious character:
Thinks so much before acting that he/she ends up doing nothing. Caution becomes inhibition.
Often has lots of good reasons to delay action: think about risks, think about things going wrong, or 'We've got to do it perfectly right', or perhaps ethical concerns. Sometimes unable to discern that in reality, these are pretexts the mind uses to justify blocking action.
Possibly ascetic tendencies.

Trine Jupiter-Saturn, orb = 01°12'
Having orb of 01°12', this aspect is tight.
This reinforces the significance of this aspect in the chart.
Jupiter and Saturn incarnate opposite sets of values. Jupiter is outgoing, optimistic, jovial, likes to take risks and be in the limelight. Saturn enjoys introversion, is rather pessimistic by nature or at least cautious, and enjoys solitary activities. And so on with a long list.
Thus all aspects of Jupiter and Saturn pose a challenge: how to integrate all these contradictory values?
If such integration can be achieved, then the result is a great power of realization. Jupiter and Saturn are the two planets of 'materialization', with which one can carry on projects of a certain dimension and make things happen in the world - the archetypal example of a sublime achiever with a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction being William Shakespeare. Another example of irresistible force is Bruce Lee.
The trine is, by nature, an aspect of harmony and 'flowing together'. This is a good factor in this encounter between Jupiter and Saturn.
The good aspects of the Jupiter-Saturn have every chance of manifesting in the native's life: common sense, practical dispositions, sound judgment, good at making business decisions, good at taking care of the finances and of the accounting. Good at dealing with administration. Caution, but capacity to grasp opportunities. Person of good advice.

Opposition Mars-Jupiter, orb = 01°39'
Having orb of 01°39', this aspect is tight.
This reinforces the significance of this aspect in the chart.
Key words: a great Jupiterian with no shortage of Mars. Man/woman of action. Wizard in the making.
The fire of Mars kindled by Jupiter's high winds. Jupiter's outgoing values reinforced by Mars' stamina.
Mars-Jupiter characters:

*The great Jupiterian with no shortage of Mars:
Enthusiasm, outgoing personality.
Daring, adventurous.
Ambitious, enjoys challenges in life.
Attraction towards sports and outdoor activities.
Likes action, and can be extremely industrious. Likes to do things in large measure. Possibly a workaholic combination.
Entrepreneurial. A powerful combination for business.
Mars and Jupiter are the two planets of leadership. Aspires to be in positions of responsibility, and has what it takes to reach them: self confidence, work capacity and drive. People with a strong Mars-Jupiter aspect can well have an 'army general' character which feels most alive when in situations of combat or challenge.
Capacity to innovate, to go further, to take things beyond their present limits.
Direct, straightforward personality. Possibly somehow impulsive.
It is likely impulsiveness may be or have been a problem at one stage or another in the native's life. One of the keys, as far as this is concerned, is to be able to integrate Saturn's values to one's Jupiterian qualities.
Perhaps one of the things the native needs to learn is caution.
Danger of stress, high blood pressure, taking on too much.
*The Mars-Jupiter great traveler:
Transposes the Jupiterian need for expansion into physical journeys.
Sense of adventure.
Can be unstoppable.
*Will power - a wizard in the making:
Beyond the need for conquering, power and leadership, there is a seeking of the Will, in the metaphysical meaning of the term. The native is on the way to becoming a wizard, at a stage when the will is still mainly applied on the physical level. The more one can develop the philosophical sides of Jupiter instead of just living within a materialistic framework, the more the will can evolve towards its next, spiritual direction.
At the same time, there comes a warning. The native has will. If this will is used only for selfish purposes, it may take him/her into a crystallization of the selfish little ego - a first step towards the abyss, and also possibly a certain withering. The more the will can be directed towards greater purposes of service, the more it has chances of growing like a huge Jupiterian tree, and the more the native is likely to find meaning and genuine satisfaction in their life.

Trine Jupiter-Black Moon, orb = 07°45'
Key words: Jupiter sharpened by the Black Moon, or bogged in the shadow.
Jupiter can greatly benefit from the sharp, exacting nature of the Black Moon. The need for perfection and the absolute, which is inherent to the Black Moon can give direction to Jupiter's values of expansion and growth, and thus help it gain momentum and achieve in the world.
With this aspect, your Jupiterian power of material realization. depends a great deal on your clarity of purpose and your sense of integrity. If there is no truth for you in a project or a particular job, better not waste you time on it; your Jupiter enthusiasm would refuse to support you in it, and you would be likely to achieve but mediocre results. Conversely, when you feel that truth is on your side, you can find deep inner resources that make you unstoppable.
Another possible scenario with this aspect is that the shadow side of the Black Moon, i.e. deep psychological conflicts buried in your subconscious mind, obliterate the expansion power of Jupiter. Put in simple terms, this means that if you have difficulties achieving anything substantial in the material world, it could well be because the power of your subconscious and unconscious mind is in the way. This can mean that a thorough exploration is needed. But for some people, it can be the opposite: too much self-exploration renders the shadow more invalidating! Rather than a simple formula, what is needed here is the establishment of a harmonious relationship with the unconscious parts of your mind.

Trine Sun-Neptune, orb = 02°17'
Key words: strong Neptunian features: idealistic, inspired, compassion, but first needs to overcome the Neptunian vagueness in order to access them.
Imparts Neptunian qualities to the personality, not unlike the astrological cliches about Piscean people.
Idealistic. High inner dreams.
Compassion. Softness. Can be self-sacrificing.
Spiritual dispositions.
Deep inner aspiration for a merging with the Divine, whether consciously acknowledged or not.
*The Sun-Neptune inspired character:
Great sensitivity and aesthetic sense.
High inspiration.
Capacity to connect to high spiritual realms, either in an artistic direction, or in a spiritual one.
Has overcome the inertia and vagueness of Neptune, and therefore can do something with the inspiration in practical life. Neptune set into action - creator in movement.
Flows of creativity. Can be exceptionally prolific (the transcended Moon side of Neptune).
Radiating heart: the Sun shining with Neptunian compassion. Power of Love. Christ consciousness. The kind of person who has the ability to tune into people and know what they are feeling, or even feel it within themselves.
Soul which has contacted its own magnificence. 'Mahatama', 'great soul' , (Gandhi had a Sun-Neptune opposition, together with a Neptune, Saturn, Moon grand trine; Sri Aurobindo had a Sun-Neptune trine.)
It is not rare for people with a strong Sun-Neptune aspect to feel a heart affinity with India, a country in which the values of these combined planets are extremely strong, for better or worse.
*The Sun-Neptune vague/dreamer character:
Very sensitive but vague. Has all sorts of full on dreams but does not really know what they are about. Can be psychic but they do not know what it is that they are connecting with.
Lack of precision.
Indecision. Lack of purpose. Difficulty finding direction. Needs Cerato Bach Flower.
Sense of high idealism, but inability to do anything about it.
Significantly worsened by taking drugs, from tobacco and alcohol to hard drugs, for these increase the vagueness and the inner confusion.
Lack of incarnation. (If the person is short-sighted, it is likely that it started early in life.)
Prepersonal tendencies.
Needs to undergo a very thorough, exacting work on themselves, fighting vagueness and absence, before they can tap from the higher side of their Neptune.
*The Sun-Neptune polluted etheric:
(As with all characters/features, this one of course does not apply to everyone with a Sun-Neptune aspect. But when it does, it can be extremely significant.)
Neptune, planet of pollution. Sun, principle of life.
'Dirty' feeling when tuning into the person's etheric body.
Can correspond to a perverse energy deeply embedded in the person's belly. Or to something more diffuse and insidious in the etheric.
Can become significantly worse if the person takes tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.
Requires significant clearing work, otherwise the person lives in a cloud.
Psoric miasm of homoeopathy.
The more their heart learns to shine, the more the pollution clears up.
Requires a massive work of clearing, clarification, fighting vagueness and prepersonal features.

Square Venus-Neptune, orb = 00°36'
Because its orb is only 00°36', this aspect is very tight.
This aspect is therefore very powerful.
Neptune has often been considered a 'transcended' Venus, or higher octave of Venus. Aspects between these two planets therefore highlight all the higher qualities of Venus.
This is a combination for great compassion and a loving nature, high receptivity, inspiration and creativity.
There is a great degree of idealism but, as often with Neptune, great efforts may be needed to move away from nebulousness and impracticality into concrete realizations.
Feelings, affection and sentimental exchanges play an essential role in the native's life. People with this aspect are often good at tuning into others and feeling what they feel, which can make them particularly sensitive.
The need for harmony and shared sensitivity is extreme.
Everyone needs to be loved, but people with this aspect are much more aware of the need than others.
In relation to the merging nature of Neptune, the native is driven by an extraordinarily deep need to find perfect spiritual union, like a mystical wedding with an ideal soul mate.
The sooner the native can realise that there is an element of dream in this aspiration, the less wandering and disillusionment he/she will have to go through in life. The aspirations of Neptune are fundamentally of a spiritual nature and can never be durably fulfilled only through Venusian romance.
Different avenues are open. One is to escape into a world of dream and fantasies, perhaps reading romantic novels or watching lots of sentimental movies. One clings to those around for a love one never really fully receives. At the same time, one part inside behaves as if Prince Charming was about to walk through the door any minute.
Another is to multiply relationships, each time fooling oneself into believing that this time perhaps, 'this is the one!' The native goes from partner to partner, and the blurry character of Neptune-lower-mode can there take the native into complicated affairs, secret liaisons or even intrigues. Think for instance of Shirley MacLaine (Venus opposed Neptune) in Out on a Limb, idealizing her relationships with her politician lover whom she describes as her companion of several lifetimes.
Another possibility again is to disconnect, close off from one's sensitivity and act if there was no Venus in one's chart.
Perhaps one of the important lessons the person can learn from this life is that none of the above mentioned avenues will bring real satisfaction. Ultimately, this need for a partner is a need for God and, whether one has a partner or not, fulfillment will only come from rising to a new spiritual dimension.
Arts: Venus and Neptune are the two artists of the family of planets. Aspects between the two therefore enhances the sense of beauty, aesthetic receptivity and artistic creativity. The native knows how to enjoy visual, auditory and other sensory input far beyond the average person. He/she can spend entire days of fascination wandering in art galleries. To him/her, a number of sensations and perceptions become alive. There is life in colors and in music, and they know how to drink it through the senses. When tuning inside, he/she can and does receive flows of creative inspiration.
Even if the native is not religious, he/she invests a sense of the Divine in his/her approach to art. Art is an avenue to open to a greater inner life, and peep into one's unity with universal harmony.
There is a rich inner life of the senses, but whether the person will be able to manifest any of this into some concrete realizations. depends on the general structure of the rest of the chart.

Square Uranus-Neptune, orb = 02°03'
An aspect of a generation: Uranus and Neptune are very slow planets. Aspects between them therefore last for years, and are therefore not specific (that is, not meaningful on an individual level), unless aspected to other planets or to the angles.

Sextile Neptune-Pluto, orb = 00°30'
Key word: an aspect of a generation rather than indicative of individual features.
Uranus and Neptune are very slow planets. Aspects between them therefore last for years, and are therefore not specific (that is, not meaningful on an individual level), unless aspected to other planets or to the angles.
Due to the slowing down of Neptune and the speeding up of Pluto in its eccentric orbit, the two planets remained sextile for about 30 years, from the 1960s to 1993. With its power of deconstruction over social structures and of awakening latent human potential, it came to prepare the great Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993-1994.

Sextile Sun-Pluto, orb = 01°47'
The Sun stands for the deepest in an individual; Pluto is the planet of death and resurrection.
The flowing and relatively easy nature of a sextile gives maximum chances for the life transformations which are the hallmark of Pluto to take place harmoniously and in an integrated manner with the other forces of the chart.
There is in the Pluto-Sun combination an element of phenomenal resistance and solidity which allows one to cope with infinitely more than the average person can take. Even if they appear frail, they have the potential to survive holocausts. Even if they appear to be shattered, they will stand again, renewed and greater, at the end of the turmoil.
Whether the aspect is harmonious or not, what is good about the Sun-Pluto combination is that it is never shallow. It counterbalances any other planetary combination of superficiality. The native can go fully into things. His/her interests tend to be consuming passions. (Pluto needs either to consume or be consumed.)
There is in Pluto an aspect of quest and seeking.
There is in Pluto an aspect which draws towards mysteries, a fascination for that which is hidden. This can manifest in a Sherlock Holmes way - the investigation of enigmas of various kinds. On a higher level, it can also prove one of most solid foundations for a long lasting spiritual quest.
Whether it shows or not, it is likely that a high pressure of intensity is at work within the native's psyche. Their emotions are like nuclear explosions, but often underground ones, so that even their closest friends may not realise what is happening in them. Sometimes the intensity is so deep and hidden that the native himself/herself may not completely acknowledge it.
If you think of the Sun-Mars combination as relating to the will par excellence, and of Pluto as a transcended Mars, you can imagine the potential of power that is contained in the Sun-Pluto association. How much the native will come in touch with this potential depends on whether he/she will be able to face himself/herself and comprehend the abysmal intensity that lies within.

Conjunction Mars-Nth Node, orb = 08°56'
Opposition Mars-Sth Node, orb = 08°56'
Mars between one's past (South Node) and one's future (North Node). Indicates the necessity to positively accept challenges in life and to take an active attitude towards one's destiny. Sitting and waiting for opportunities is simply not good enough. There is a need to be outgoing, to not only grasp opportunities but also make them happen. This is an incarnation to develop will, and to use it.

Opposition Venus-Nth Node, orb = 09°09'
Conjunction Venus-Sth Node, orb = 09°09'
Venus conjunct South Node points towards past lives in which the values of Venus played an important role. This can be symbolically read in different ways.
-Venus is the fortunate, benevolent planet. Happy past lives: everything went fine, no major drama. The person was beautiful, rich, etc. In some cases it can even mean that the person spent a long period in high spiritual worlds before this incarnation on Earth.

  • Artistic past lives. The native arrived with exceptionally developed artistic sensitivity. Whether they need to start a new musical life or explore different avenues, however, depends on the rest of the chart. Some artistic education, however, would be very helpful for such a person to find their roots.
  • Love as a cardinal value in one's past lives. The native therefore feels deeply that the world should be a place of harmony, and may have difficulty coping with competitiveness or violence. This however, may only be a deep feeling of nostalgia for a better world hidden inside one's heart.
  • Venus conjunct South Node can also indicate a certain past of indolence in easy life circumstances: dolce vita, drifting. In this incarnation, it is now time to break away from these patterns and start facing the challenges of life, otherwise there is a risk of an emptiness, uselessness and growing lack of purpose from one life to the other.

Opposition Uranus-Nth Node, orb = 06°30'
Conjunction Uranus-Sth Node, orb = 06°30'
Uranus conjunct to the South Node, which points towards past lives and karma, suggests the following possibilities:

  • Past lives in unexpected, original or even eccentric life situations.
  • Possibly an erratic unfoldment of one's past lives, or at least a lot of surprises and sudden changes.
  • Possibly also past lives with difficulties adhering to social ethics and community rules. The person felt at odds with their social environment, and possibly even with the laws of their countries. This may manifest in this life in a difficulty being part of a group, and problems with authority. Conversely, as a reaction, it could mean a compulsive need to follow the letter of all rules, and be a 'perfect citizen'. In both cases, some inner work may be needed to achieve freedom in relation to these values.


11th house: Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Sth Node.

Mercury in the 11th house:
The planet of the mind, communications and changes in the house of long term projects, social realizations. and protective friends.
Attracted to circles where an exchange of ideas and knowledge is the focus. This can give a mental feel to friendships in general.
It can also give an ability to relate to people with different backgrounds and interests. Friends from all fields of life.
Could be a position to establish connections between various members of a community.

Venus in the 11th house:
The sociable planet in the house of social realizations.
The sociable character of Venus can allow the native to play a harmonious role and influence public affairs positively.
Dealing with groups and communities may also help reveal the Venus values of the native.
Venus in the 11th, the house of friends, can bring friends who have the characteristics of Venus - eg affectionate, creative, charming, artistic, etc. In any case, Venus is a lucky planet and, if well aspected, this position can indicate the substantial support of friends or protective helpers in the realization. of the native's endeavors.

Uranus in the 11th house:
This position can bring lots of Uranus type of friends (friends, and in particular those who help you, are the domain of the 11th): original, unconventional, eccentric, good at computers and technology - and possibly interested in astrology or esotericism.
Friendships can start in a Uranus fashion: suddenly clicking with people, or meeting in unusual and surprising situations. But they can also finish as quickly as they started.
In the house of social realizations., the high ideals associated with Uranus are at home (Uranus is the natural ruler of Aquarius and of the 11th house). This can push the native towards projects and actions oriented toward the community in general, possibly pushing for changes. The progressive tendencies, however, are not always supported by the practical abilities and the patience required to bring about reforms of social institutions.

2nd house: Saturn, Neptune.

Saturn in the 2nd house:
The planet of structure and limits in the house of earning money.
According to the astrological tradition, this can mean earning money from Saturn-type things, or in Saturn fashion.

  1. Earning money from land or real estate, or from agricultural enterprises. Administration, management, accounting. Science.
  2. Slow, progressive and methodical increase of wealth; hard working nature.
    As far as we are concerned, however, Saturn's position in this house is much less important than its aspects.

Neptune in the 2nd house:
Neptune is the planet of imagination, intuition and fantasy.
The 2nd house has to do with the money you earn.
Neptune in the 2nd can indicate that you can earn money from Neptune-related things such as the sea, music, the arts, chemistry, religion.
Neptune can be very inspired but is not the most practical of the planets. There may therefore be the need to constantly try to polish one's organizational skills and make efforts to be grounded and full of common sense when it comes to the management of practical business.

3rd house: Moon, Black Moon.

Moon in the 3rd house:
Key words: receptivity and imagination.
In the house of the mind, the Moon imparts intuition, receptivity, imagination, changeability; intense dream life, and possibly also a tendency to day dreaming. The mind is plastic, perhaps also easily influenced. There may be a talent for writing imaginative fiction stories.
The qualities of the Moon can bring a fertile imagination, but perhaps also at times a certain disorganization. However, this is not necessarily bad, for it can be that phases of apparent chaos are in reality the opportunity for the native to boost their creativity and come up with brilliant new concepts or directions.
In the house of communication, the Moon could indicate tendency to be talkative - enjoying long conversations.

Black Moon in the 3rd house:
Black Moon, symbol of the deepest inner passions in the house of brothers and sisters and communication.
This position can manifest in several different ways. One of them is the death of a brother or sister during one's early years. If such death has taken place (even if only in the form of a miscarriage by the mother), it is likely to have left an extremely profound imprint in the native's psyche. It can be an ambivalent fascination-fear of death, or a deeply ingrained belief that one has no right to live. In any case it calls for a thorough work of self exploration - the long term consequences of the event are likely to be much deeper than you may think at first.
Black Moon in the third house can also indicate that the native finds in writing (notes, a journal, or even stories or books) an outlet for the deep passions and emotions of his/her unconscious mind. Engaging in communication with others can be a way of touching and addressing profound issues inside oneself.

10th house: Sun, Jupiter.

Sun in the 10th house:
The Sun shining in the house of career and action in the world.
Traditionally regarded as an excellent position. It is a 'Sun at midday' position, the one in which the Sun can spread its shining radiation the most.
Sense of authority and leadership. Powerful sense of direction and purpose.
Attracted to positions of responsibility and power. Wanting success and honors and having what it takes to reach them.

Jupiter in the 10th house:
In the house of career, this could indicate a Jupiter type of profession - acting (which encompasses much more than just professional actors), performing, trade, sales, advertising and promotion, public relations, professions involving a lot of travel (rep., for instance, or tour guide), show business and film-making industry, teaching, law.
In can also indicate that they tend to approach their career with Jupiterian qualities - optimism, broad vision, thinking big, capacity to take risks, knowing how to take up opportunities and make the best out of them, capacity to think in terms of overseas markets.
Jupiter, however, is not always good at taking care of small details or at understanding when breaking limits can be catastrophic. It will therefore be advantageous to take advice from people who can balance their over confidence and point out small facts which they may have overlooked. They need a good, meticulous accountant.

Mars in the 4th house:
Mars, planet of stamina and violence in the house of the home.
The way the native has been exposed to combative attitudes in early childhood has deeply impressed their psyche and conditioned the way their Mars energy presently manifests: how they assert themselves, whether they like to be competitive or not, and how they feel about violence.
Some episodes of early childhood may have been perceived as violent or threatening, even if in reality they were not. Any situation of abuse as a child is likely to have been magnified and to have left extremely active charges in the native's psyche.
In particular, one will want to explore if there is a 'victim character', a sub personality which adopts a global attitude of weakness as a result of not having coped with violence (or perceived violence) in early childhood. Conversely, if the person is very competitive - a born fighter - one will want to explore if their 'fighter character' is not itself a reaction to a hidden victim character.
In any case it calls for a thorough exploration of how competitiveness and violence are perceived in the roots of one's psyche.
The 4th being the house of old age, Mars here is in favour of stamina and conserved energy in the last part of life.

Nth Node in the 5th house and South Node in the 11th house:
South Node in the 11th house points towards past lives in which the native has devoted themselves to groups and communities.
North Node in the 5th suggests that it is now time for the native to develop their individual creativity and focus more on themselves, in order to bridge towards their future and accomplish their destiny.
If a person with this configuration happens to be so heavily involved in social activities that they hardly have any time for themselves, they should certainly ask themselves if they are not repeating mechanically some pattern of the past.
South Node in the 11th can also indicate that in past lives, the native's creative outflow was shaped by dictates and pressure from the community they lived in. Now the time has come for them to express their own values, regardless of what anyone else thinks.
North Node in the 5th also suggests that it is through manifesting their creativity that the native best finds themselves and their path in life.

Pluto in the 12th house:
The planet of deep, underground, hidden values and forces in the house of spirituality and transcendence.
Pluto in the 12th can indicate a deep karmic debt which must be dealt with before avenues can open in life. Even if it is not karma-related, there may well be a black hole somewhere in the psyche, which MUST be found, explored and released. This may not be easy, because it may be extremely deep and hidden in the person's subconscious. However, it may hold the key to unlock the potentialities of the whole chart, and lead to a complete metamorphosis, as in the phoenix reborn from its ashes.
Pluto in the 12th is an excellent position for spiritual seeking, self exploration as in ISIS. Whether power has been abused or not in past lives, the position in the 12th indicates that in this one, the Pluto power is to be used for spiritual regeneration.
Pluto in general tends to operate in conjunction with profound instinctual values; thus Pluto in the 12th can denote an ability to use the underground power of the lower chakras for spiritual purposes. It can be a highly 'alchemical' position - bringing light into matter and carrying the Grail transformation to its climax.
Pluto in the 12th also suggests episodes of 'dark night of the soul' , as in St John of the cross. Gaining power and purity from facing the darkest depths of oneself.
Believe it or not, it is actually an excellent position to become a saint!


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Thank you I did not water down his reading to fit any agenda, i gave out his chart in tact like any reading i have done for hundreds of people.

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