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RE: Potcoin will lead the cannabis industry?

in #potcoin7 years ago

I would love to hear more,
And you are right by saying there is no leader but i think potcoin is the most stable coin right now and can easly lead the cannabis industry in the crypto world.
Plus its the only cannabis crypto that allready have a working trading platform of its own


Well, it's pretty clear that there is no leader in the CryptoCannabis space, PotCoin is here and working, but collectively we can build a better solution together as a community (both Crypto and Cannabis) with synergies. What I envision is a community effort to build a Token and Cannabis blockchain solution, one that decentralizes the industry and allows for everyone to participate and benefit from its upside... It's called the CannabisInternet and is for everyone to build and participate.

Can you give more information?

@chainvest, I will be sharing some more info on the Cannabis Intenet solution soon, we are working on the site and model. I will post some of info and share it with the Steemit community when we can.

i will be happy to take an active part if you need.
call it CannaNet. sounds good.

Actually, we already have a good domain for it and the Token, but we definitely want participation from everyone interested in bringing a decentralized appoach to the Cannabis Industry.

send me more information