Potcoin will lead the cannabis industry?

in #potcoin7 years ago (edited)


In 2014 potcoin emmerged into the crypto market with a goal to help finance the cannabis industry in the us.

The differnce between the cannabis industry in us to other legal industries is that the cannabis is still illegal by the federal authority so they cant get finance from the federal banks.

The idea at first was a failure and allmost shut down, in 2016 potocin came with a new website and new investers and raised up again.

Along side potcoin came new coins and tokens that relate themself to the cannabis industry,
Some of them are very succesful and worth even more then potcoin.

One of them is hempcoin(THC), also created in 2014, you can mine and stack (pow+pos) THC
And make a nice profit 150 per block and 5% stacking.
They promise to donate to the cannabis industry but is it really gonna help improve the industry.

In the last month the cannabis coins went up to new highs. Pitcoin for example went from 0.08 usd to 0.45 usd and now it is around 0.35 for allmost a month.

It is a stable crypto with great investors behind it and I think potcoin will lead the cannabis industry in the crypto market for many years to come.
What do you think?


@chainvest, there are lot of cannabis related tokens and cryptos coming to market soon, but I don't think there is a clear leader just yet. Many of them have no real business model or use case, but have risen because the cannabis space is hot and so are cryptos. I follow the investment side of the cannabis industry and will be writing more about crypto cannabis and how it can be taken to the blockchain.

I would love to hear more,
And you are right by saying there is no leader but i think potcoin is the most stable coin right now and can easly lead the cannabis industry in the crypto world.
Plus its the only cannabis crypto that allready have a working trading platform of its own

Well, it's pretty clear that there is no leader in the CryptoCannabis space, PotCoin is here and working, but collectively we can build a better solution together as a community (both Crypto and Cannabis) with synergies. What I envision is a community effort to build a Token and Cannabis blockchain solution, one that decentralizes the industry and allows for everyone to participate and benefit from its upside... It's called the CannabisInternet and is for everyone to build and participate.

Can you give more information?

@chainvest, I will be sharing some more info on the Cannabis Intenet solution soon, we are working on the site and model. I will post some of info and share it with the Steemit community when we can.

i will be happy to take an active part if you need.
call it CannaNet. sounds good.

Actually, we already have a good domain for it and the Token, but we definitely want participation from everyone interested in bringing a decentralized appoach to the Cannabis Industry.

I have some Cannabiscoin (CANN). It seems to be one of the cannabis cryptos with the most volume moving through it. What do you think about CANN?

I think that it is not a stable cannabis currency.
They aim to be a payment option for the cannabis products but they dont have any payment system or a trading website.
Their staking (POS) is poor with only 2% annually.