Even though the main business of poswallet is for altcoins staking and will remain to be the main business of posw...
POSW will be adding more tech qt1 2018, technology that some have compared to waves.
NOTE the volume of waves vs posw ...
bwang22 [9:52 PM]
People have been asking about WAVES platform LPOS and how it differs from TPoS, this is my understanding after some initial reading
WAVES is not a bitcoin fork, it does not operate like a normal blockchain
To run a node, you need 10000 waves, and if you don't have then you have to lease your waves to generate a return (edited)
In POSW you can run your wallet with as little as 1 posw and TPOS for someone (edited)
They also pay in 1 week cycle while tpos rewards are split as blocks are generated
The biggest thing between WAVES and POSW is each wallet in POSW is a FULL NODE
waves encourages the use of lite wallets because full nodes need 10000 waves
It is less decentralized, less secure than PoSW and its not even a fork from bitcoin. So it would take me time to learn how their platform works and if they are following all the block chain protocol rules like bitcoin or other derivatives (edited)
Also I don't know if leasing is trustless. With TPoS, the block rewards are automatically split. So no way to compromise on the prearranged commission
The commission has to match or else the block will be rejected
Jacob [10:26 PM]
Boom. trustless, decentralized, payout in real time. sorry waves
POSW is going to blow waves right out of the water LOL pun intended
Get POSW now …in the coming weeks you will see posw value increasing to a higher wave
C✿mment bel✿w
If the STEEM blockchain is compatible without platform it will be added to poswallet for sure