Make The Right Confessions

in #possible4 years ago


Each time I hear people make confessions like"I can't, it is not possible", I feel hurt. A lot of people have become addicted to saying no to even the simplest thing.

Many have trained their minds to believe that nothing in the world is possible. This way, many have limited themselves.

"It is hard, it is difficult". All these confessions cripple destinies. Students saying they can't pass certain examinations just because they believe they can't. Business owners seeing their businesses only within the environs, believing that they can't cross the borders.

What people don't know is that the confessions we make as humans are connected to our subconscious mind. Thus, whatever our minds conceive become reality.

Those who understand the power of the mind and confessions have learnt to say "I can and it is possible".

They know that not everything that appears impossible is not possible. They believe in what the Bible says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

This is the league you should belong to.
You have to come out of what wrong confessions have brought you into. You have to start telling yes to recourses.
You have to say no to what will hold you down. You have to start making positive confessions.

You have to start seeing possibilities in all you do. You have to confess that you're rich, you're a scholar, you are not limited, you are made for the top.

Though, your mind might doubt if it's possible but keep at it. After all, what good does making negative confessions do to you? Nothing, it only leaves you where you used to be.

I don't know what you want to start making confessions about but believe me, it's one of the things your life needs.

Make positive confessions every morning and every time. Write it in your jotter, on the walls of your home. Confess aright everywhere.

It's a beautiful new week, begin with the right confessions and take actions.

To Stand Out Or To Fit In?

This is a question you should be able to answer after reading this piece.
Both come with a price but only a few people understand it. Due to this, the majority take the latter option.

Standing out means not following the crowd. To stand out, you have to question and not conform. Standing out is for those who want to get better results than what society offers.

When you stand out, you don't just do things anyhow. When you stand out, you stop complaining like the masses, instead, you seek a way out.

When you stand out, you give yourself to be groomed to become a better person. When you stand out, you don't just want to be there, you want to be there for a reason.

Those who stand out do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results. Those who stand out give up pleasure for treasure. Those who stand out understand that heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Standing out is painful, costly and beautiful. It will cost you all it takes to fit in. It will hurt you when you're restricted from submitting to the norms. It will bring you distance than you comprehend. Paying the price to stand out will place you in a high position.

Fitting in is also costly. It means living like everyone else. It means accepting the norms. It kills creativity, it keeps you low. It supports mediocrity. It means getting the same result as everyone else.

You have to make a choice either to fit in or stand out. Your parents won't make that decision for you. Society won't urge you to be different. It must be your decision.

Left to me, I'll advise you to choose to stand out, that way, you'll surely gain from the pain.

Decide to leave the wish state and come to reality.
Decide never to live short of purpose.
Decide to command results.
Decide to be a champion and not a dupe.
Decide to start living intentionally.
Decide to make each day you spend on Earth count.
Decide to decide.

That starts now. Stand out, don't try to fit in. When things are tough, stay strong. When things seem difficult, stay encouraged. When things seem to go bad, make strong your morality. When you feel your world is coming to an end, don't give up.

Winners never give up.

Ready for destiny. Labour at your young age so that your old age will be beneficial. Never think of that problem of yesterday. Solve the problem today to strengthen adequately tomorrow.