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RE: Yes !

in #positivity3 years ago

Please consider using the #sbi-skip hashtag in your posts if you believe they will be perceived as lower quality. Capturing substantial votes from Hive SBI on low quality work is harmful to our entire program and can result in your account getting skip-listed.


Yes, i am aware and will consider and i have used it before, this was just a test post, i don't think this was the case in the last posts altough they were zerod out by regular mass downvoters.
Will SBI/HBI provide an analysis or will some actions be taken about this ? How do you measure what was not delivered (or taken away) and poor content. If you can please provide a link with the rules of conduct and also if it's possible to sell this shares specially considering mass downvoters.

Thanks and will take that into consideration in the future.

We reviewed the previous downvotes and we consider them to be political and not quality related.

We consider Hive SBI upvotes to be a contribution toward the overall consensus of rewards on a post (i.e. we consider our upvote obligation to have been met when the votes are delivered, even if the value of those votes is stripped by other members of the Hive community).

Our content guidelines are included in our FAQ; the focus is on clear cases (fraud, plagiarism), when it comes to quality things are much less clear-cut and we currently rely more on reports and managerial judgment. In the future this will be managed by an SBI DAO (currently under development, but we do not have a scheduled release date).

Hive SBI units are transferable upon request (request should be sent by 0.001 transaction memo, and are processed manually). This means that they are tradable, but you would have to find a buyer. Our discord rooms are a good place to ask if anybody is interested. We don't track the OTC trade prices, but we think that units usually go for about 0.50 HIVE (since each 1 HIVE effectively creates 2 units).

There is also a refund policy in place, subject to triggering events. You've been a member long enough that you would qualify, but most members that qualify would get more value from selling their units OTC than from our refund policy.

Links to our discord and FAQ are available on our website, and you can also see an estimate of total value already delivered, which is a major factor in how much refund value you might be eligible for:

We reviewed the previous downvotes and we consider them to be political and not quality related.

I would agree.

Thanks for the detailed answer and link, i had that idea that we could transfer them, i will have to analyse later when i am more active because unsubscribing would be more dependent on this hive politics and if i am active at all than your basic income ones which are pretty much unconditional apart from major fraud and plagiarism as they should be.

If the value on the user info page doesn't include what was taken from downvotes i would sugest adding another line just as an extended detail for users and other to analyze faster, maybe with the help of: but it's just details i guess, and it's understandable that you consider the value to be delivered after the votes are delivered.

Thanks for your continued work on Steem and Hive.

We are working toward a more detailed 'upvotes delivered' calculation that will look at the total rewards paid on a post and calculate the share delivered by our votes (using our pro rata rshares). In this case, 'upvotes delivered' would not count posts that had been zeroed out (as any pro rata % of 0 is 0). We do not have a scheduled release date for this visibility feature (we have been quietly releasing website updates, without fanfare, as they are completed).