It seems that no matter where we go, what we do, how we do things, or who we mingle with there will always be that creature in the shadows called judgment.
For many, many years I have struggled with this tormenting creature and it wasn’t until a few months ago that I was able to make him fade away.
What people don’t understand is that words can cut deeper than a sword...
For many of my teenage/and young adult years I was told horrendous things about myself from friends, strangers, and as horrible as it sounds, even a few family members chimmed in. The more I heard these things the more I believed it. Then it wouldn’t take long before the media put its two cents in with its unrealistic views on how the “perfect body” or “ideal body” should look. With anarexic, size 00, photoshopped barbie dolls strung across their chizzled abed, air brushed skinned ken doll. Then around the next corner their is Facebook shouting “if your picture isn’t absolutely PERFECT then suffer the consequences of having incredibly inappropriate body shammers comment on your photo and criticize every inch of YOUR body for no reason BUT also we don’t want you to be too perfect or we may just hate mail you for that too.. actually never mind just don’t do anything... ahh.. there you go, yes, perfect”
Before I would look at myself in the mirror and see: ugly, fat, worthless, less than perfect skin, less than perfect hair, old/drab clothes, yellowing teeth... and the list goes on. These were all the things I’d been told about myself in some round about way and it’s all I could see anymore. I couldn’t see that I was extremely well educated, and that I surpassed most of the population by going to college and sticking with it. I couldn’t see that at 22 years of age I was further along and more successful than most 40 year olds, with owning a house, owning my own successful business, having a retirement fund, dabbling in cryptocurencys, and stocks. I couldn’t see that I was beautiful... I couldn’t see that I was beautiful...
What changed?
I’ll be honest.. there was no magic potion or AHA moment that I was like WOW I’m amazing what was I thinking... it took time... a lot of time. I started to ignore these toxic people that I once let get to me and told myself “you know what, they are wrong, I love me, because the ME I know is pretty damn cool, smart, and knows better than to listen to people like them who only feed off of hurting others and/or are just striking a match of jealousy.” I started following positive uplifting people on Facebook and listening to their daily rants of positivity. I got out more! Did things I would have never done before (like get in a bathing suite and have fun in a crowded area). Enjoyed life again and just honestly stopped caring about what everyone else thought.
I started loving myself for not only what was on the outside but for on the inside as well.
So here’s to loving yourself! Be you! Love YOU!! Because I’m sure YOUR amazing and let no one tell y’all out otherwise.
You are looking so pretty and gorgeous @alaysiababin, nice post and today I come to know that @r2cornell is your grandpa. This is very surprising for me cause till date I imagined that he is in age boundary of 25 to 30 years. Now I am blushing on my stupidity 😆. Ha ha
I know him for few months & I want to say that your grandpa is really a kind hearted person. I love his personality & respect him that how he help others. Very appreciative. 😊🙏
Wow how sweet of you @supriya1993 😊 well my grandpa is super young at heart and extremely bright. The smartest man I know! He has helped me with just about every aspect of life. He got me started here on steemit, helped me dabble in crypto currency’s, and helped me start a retirement fund years and years ago. I’m so so so dang lucky. I love my grandpa so much!
Yes I totally agreed with you that he is super young at heart and extremely bright.
He have done his responsibility to you very well that's so nice him and I have to say, you are really lucky.
I couldn’t agree with you more!! I love my grandpa!
I really am under 30 years old ;O)
That's very important & everyone should think like you, I really appreciate.
beautiful photo & nice post
I appreciate that more than you know!Thank you @jakir007
very good post
Check your wallet on how to power up Steem to increase your steem power when you have steem.
iss that comment for me sir
Looks like you powered up some steem. Wonderful
thank you sir
I think you already powered up steem. It has been a long day and I have commented a lot. Time for me to turn in
yeah i saw your commens .. you did a lot today
Thank you so much @ridoybachelor I appreciate that more than you know!
@ alaysiababin my xp very low sir..i do not know what i do my xp level ar low
plz plz plz sir help me.. @r2cornell flow my xp sir plz sir help me
I did a reply on your first post in your blog. Check it out. There is some information that can help you
ok sir thanks
@alaysiababin your eyes are pretty :)
Awe thank you so much! Your very pretty yourself!
Thanks for sharing this high quality content with us !
Appriciate that
your content is nice
Let me know if you have any other ideas about topics and I’ll give it a go!Thank you @michelhenry I haven’t been on in a while and to make up for it I wanted to come in swinging!
Wonderful post!
Thank you so much @scilwa I appreciate your interest in my post!
He's a nice guy. If we can forget he delegates SP irresponsibly. To the jew-hater who wrote the following for example:
Nice post. Thanks for sharing. @alaysiababin and Thanks for resteem @r2cornell
Thank you @aquia10 thought I’d mix it up a bit and write about something from the heart ❤️
Gorgeous 😍
Thank you so much @soufuani 😘
you look lovely you are beautiful dear :*
Thank you so much @molinach I really appreciate your sweet words 😊
Yes you are right, I totally agree with you, Everyone of us should love his selfe beacause it deserve to love it, Everyone has a great thing that distinguish him from the other.Thank you sooooo much for this motivational post.
Thank you for taking the time to read it @zahia it means so much to me! Let me know if you have any ideas of a topic you’d like me to talk about!
Thank you too for this nice reply, Well, I would like you to talk about how to build a strong personality . And thank you again.
Okay, may be a little hard but hey I can give it a go 😊 thank you for giving me a challenge!
I will waiting your next topic😊😊
you are adorable
Thank you so much @rabab That makes me feel wonderful! 😊 I will upvote you tomorrow when I’ve got a little more power in the bank. Thank you for your comments and I’ll be looking at your page as well!
oooh, that is sooo sweet from you, i followed you too and you will always find me commenting on your posts <3
Thank you!! Goodness your so sweet! I’d absolutly love that!
You look wonderful my dear can i give you this flower ?

What a beautiful flower! I would except a flower from a gentleman anyday. Thank you @soufianechakrouf 😘
You deserve it my dear 😘
Very good post!
Thank you so much @dbwitty 😊
Truly you are correct, I absolutely concur with you, Everyone of us should love his selfe beacause it should love it, Everyone has an awesome thing that recognize him from the other.Thank you sooooo much for this motivational post.
Wonderful post. I told taught your mother a little saying when she was about 14 and will share it here: ILAC!
I Am Lovable and Capable!
I am proud of you!
I will resteem!
Thank you Grandpa ❤️ I love that! iLAC! I will always remember that!
you are so great person @r2cornell i like your are honest man
your relay big man...i like your work sir
Hi @alaysiababin i miss you, I am still waiting your next topic.
I know I’m so sorry! I’m sick and it makes it hard to get excited about a topic :( I’m trying!
Oooh, I am really sorry about you i hope you be fine as soon as possible . May god heal you.
Wow that is so sweet of you @zahia ! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much! ☺️
Thank you so much! 🙂 I really appreciate it!
Wonderful post really
i just love your eyes. so preety you look.