
"Tokens" are just a way to gamify sharing Hive contend on Twitter and to encourage Hive users to share their content. Currently, they are not actual crypto tokens, just numbers in a centralized database, but someday they might be moved to hive-engine or SMTs.

Maybe @acidyo can explain the project better.

Lol .. someday ..
That's the 8th day of the week.

But what are they USED for? Accruing worthless points/tokens/whatever is literally useless.

So again, what's the point? What can you do with them other than hold and maybe trade them?

Hey, the usecase for it is not completely clear as of yet, having a distribution phase with the coins not instantly having value seemed like a good idea to avoid gaming/abuse for starters but we'll still check that it isn't being abused through the daily distribution stats. The main idea for the posh token is for those who share their work onto Twitter and in the future other platforms to bring in traffic to our front-ends and possibly new users. Authors are already sharing their links a lot more than before #posh and that was with just some possible curation as incentive, now with the posh token they'll be able to also earn them by sharing the work of others onto Twitter and giving Twitter accounts that have a lot of followers even more incentive to share posts from Hive and not just the authors sharing their own posts.

Some possible usecases for future reference: using posh tokens for getting curators to check out their post and in turn burning those from circulation. Before we start giving them any value and a market we'll bring it up with the community if they have other ideas what could be done with them but the main point will remain to get as much traffic onto Hive from many centralized platforms as possible.

Spin it however you like clown.
You're demanding marketing and not even giving people real rewards.
You're a joke.

Even MLMtheycallhimdan who IS giving real rewards isn't attracting much more than poor people with the initiate anyway.

No innovation.. just repetition of desperate "this will bring the masses" campaigns that all flop.

Your shit is getting old, obvious sockpuppet.