What do you think about these changes of #posh?

in #posh5 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone!

While it's great to see the activity of Hivers using #posh there's a few things I've been thinking about lately on how to improve it both to make sure to reward users consistently for sharing it but to also focus more on how they are being shared and the effect they have on Twitter and in the near future also on other platforms.

I figured I'd ask the community what they think about these changes since they all affect the reward pool and we wouldn't want to go against the community with it. So I'm gonna lay down the changes first, the effects of them and you can let me know your thoughts or improvements you might have in the comment section, I'd greatly appreciate it!

So far we've checked if a post got #posh'd and if the post was something we were going to curate anyway it got a slightly bigger vote. This is of course something that's a bit subjective and isn't always as clear to the author if they're #posh did anything to affect the vote or not and in some cases I assume some users stopped sharing altogether because they thought "it didn't matter".

Another issue is that some #poshers would just drop a link on their twitter and that's that when in reality shares without tags such as #hive or $hive, #/$crypto etc and the tags and usage of them matter.

Alright so now to the changes:

Instead of voting the posts higher we'd vote the comments a day or so later depending on how they did on Twitter and if they were shared "more effectively".

We believe that this change will encourage more users to connect with each other on Twitter by following and also liking another's shares there which would result in higher activity and more importantly higher activity of the #hive tags. Twitter likes don't cost so knowing they'll get bigger rewards on their shared comments it would incentivize better sharing.

Now of course we also have to take into effect what this means for us (@ocdb and its delegators) here on Hive. Voting up comments will most of the time mean no trail follow and majority of the time the rewards won't be close to hitting the reward curve which means even lower returns to delegators. As some of you know we've never focused with @ocdb to maximize curation as we've constantly been voting late with it to encourage more manual curation in our community and now the other communities we're supporting and since this isn't our stake we wanted to hear what you think about this change. Keep in mind this is of course to bring more eyes and traffic to both hive.blog and peakd.com which is a positive for every stakeholder of the platform and it is unclear how much of a penalty the returns will be exactly.

Another reason to check with the community is that similar to how posh worked in the past this now means it would move to comments so while it's the same (although probably lower effect on the reward pool) it's still from the reward pool so we want to check if the community are okay with comments being rewarded this way.

Having said that though it would be great if other communities and big stakeholders would join us in curating #posh comments cause we're not going to get far by maximizing our stake ROI if no one gets to find out about our platform, currency and ecosystem.

As a trial we'll refrain from automating this cause we all know how easy it is to bot likes on Twitter or purchase likes, especially if there's a monetary incentive here now to do so. Over time it would make it easier for us to add a "whitelist" of #poshers that we know aren't going to attempt to cheat their twitter engagement of shared links and automating will take a lot of time out of our hands that can be put somewhere else to work.

Alright so let me know your thoughts about this, I'm not the most prominent Twitterer but I do believe that these changes would make our presence and reach much bigger on there and since it's one of the few platforms that doesn't outright censor, blacklist/shadowban our links it could be a nice move to improve the #posh system even if it means it costing us and our delegators some ROI.

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Name PoSH
Agree with another user, PoSH may need to be renamed to something else. More eunique to HIVE would be preferable, ie a name with HIVE in it. This contributes to the free marketing for HIVE. Could be a little wordplay, or change of some or more characters, but something unique... HIVU HIVA HIVEQ or whatever as long HIVE is somehow in the name, or close to it. And also the tag shall be short, few characters, easy to remember and all and preferably catchy.

I think the share on Twitter shall at least have tags that has nothing to do with HIVE, but shall be related to the content published/promoted. The Twitter share is not for HIVE people persé, but for none-HIVE people, so a book review caries tags that has something to do with books, movie review something with movies, film, cinema; music article needs to address the music people.
How to reward: Although likes at Twitter are free of charge and we can give as many as we like, its quite hard to get likes. People either comment, ReTweet but forget the like. Should be looked to the number of impressions maybe? But also that doesnt say a lot. I think all in all its hard to determine what shall get some higher value vote based on metrics. Maybe impressions is still the thing to look at, causes the Twitter user to find some trending tags... the more people see posts from HIVE (even without opening it or like/retweet it), the more they will be inclined to open the next time when they see a Tweet passing by in their feed.

I have nod idea at all, so all the above you can also bin it immediately :)

But I'll apreciate it when you would take some or all the above into account when making decisions on changing things around.

More then a Footnote
I do agree it would be fantastic when other high value vote owners join the club.

Does this PoSH tag (or whatever its gonna be) need to be one of the first 5 tags; well one of the first 4 since the first one is reserved for the community the post will get into.

Okay so the name really doesn't matter much and it's not a requirement to use the tag #posh on twitter at all. The only importance of #posh is to use it in the comment or in your post where it links to the tweet so we can find it through Gina. That's all there is to it and I guess this explains your last question too. It doesn't even need to be in the usual tag field we just need the words to be there so we can find your post and reward it higher (or now your comment instead after the change).

and yes, we'll be getting out a post that will be pinned to OCD and some other communities for correct tag use on twitter, we believe Hive should be one of the requirements but you're very right that the other tags should be about non-crypto and about the relevancy of the post.

Thanks for your thoughts either way! :)

Looking fwd to see the post, and the participation of other high value voters, individuals and curator teams.
Can others benefit from GINA bot? Or is this an internal OCD curator tool?

Oh it's just a notification bot for Hive on Discord. Of course not that important anymore since we have a notification system on our front-ends but still handy for mentions such as "posh" without the "#", etc.

Ok, understand. Thanks :)
Why dont you guys use esteem search? Is pretty good!
And Curie had a web based tool but I think its not live at HIVE yet. Filtering based on keywords, or tags was possible, as based on many other parameters. I used that tool for curation as well.

Myeh, Gina does the job. :D

I can't stress enough the benefits of using hashtags on Twitter. They spread your tweets to a much wider audience. Not only are you dealing with dispersed attention due to other social networks, you also have to be aware of shadow banning.

Tweet about the "wrong" subject or critique a favoured politician and Twitter can halt your growth in it's tracks.

I know from first-hand experience, from the 2016 election. As soon as I dared to criticize their chosen candidate, my growth stopped, hitting a wall around 12k.

My steady, predictable rise in followers evaporated and after watching Jack being interviewed on Joe Rogan, it was obvious what happened. Just something you might want to be aware of in order to keep other social media alternatives in mind...

I think requiring #hive and #posh in the tweet along with a $HIVE or whatever is good (change it up every month to avoid boring).

I know we can check likes, amount of comments per twitter post. Then for the account, amount of followers, account creation date, and possibly even same followers as say OCDB twitter. This can be cross considered with the reputation on Hive, average engagement per post, average value per post, other social media activity, etc. A profile can be built up on the white list for static stuff and a few things can be manually checked for new applicants to the white list.

Those are great points for when we eventually automate it and add in those stats before whitelisting. Also requiring #posh on twitter is a bit useless, we only ask users to use it here so we can find them through Gina.

I never thought about #posh being useless on twitter, it makes sense. I just like adding $random #hashtags and $ymbol$ to my !tweets! It makes me feel #special. I usually thr0w a %hashtag to peakD, too ;). Maybe I should start us1ng emojis 🤣. In anycase, this whole posh thing has got me more used to using Twitter which I like. I never really felt incentivized to use it much before, although I have been sharing my posts there and on Facebook for at least a year.

I wasn't going to comment initially, by maybe I'm not the only one who doesn't really know how this works, so I'll put it out here.

How do you find the posts that have been shared and tagged #posh? Does the tag have to be on the post or just in the comment or both?

I'm one who's stopped bothering with the comment and #posh tagging, because I've always shared to Facebook, so I have more views there and I've only recently started Twitter (admittedly because of this campaign), so I have little following there and I'm still trying to get comfortable with it. The tagging and comment never really made a difference anyway, then there was the announcement for getting interaction and a following on Twitter, so I figured that was probably why. I still share as I've always done anyway and now try to remember to share to Twitter too.

I also never remember what tags we're supposed to be using on Twitter. I'm guessing we're not using #hiveisalive any more?

the #posh tag in the comments or the post is important cause it hits our Gina notification but before we shifted support towards other communities we were mainly just curating posts in our community and that meant literally all posts got looked at and the posh comments but from now on the #posh in the comments will be more important as we can't look everywhere at all times but those will notify us.

So yeah if we do these changes you'll know for sure if you got a reward for sharing cause it will hit the comment instead of a bigger vote that you won't know if it was just a regular one or a bigger one cause of the share.

Facebook is our next goal to add to #posh.

When #posh is represented on Instagram things will change quite a bit, it won't bring writers, that's a fact, but it could bring investors who want to share their content, have you seen how much cameras and photo accessories cost? If they like the platform, they will surely invest, but the words in their posts will be few, the important thing would be their photography; I've been inviting some of the people I know and I was worried when one of them told me he was a photographer, not a writer, a change of mentality is needed if we really want to invite all kinds of people.

That's not a problem in my opinion, with communities growing for all kinds of niche and dapps such as @dapplr coming to life there'll be rewards going to single photo posts as well but of course the rewards might be a disagreement on by some stakeholders but it's not like they make anything from the photo post itself on IG it's all sponsors and adrevenue there as far as I know.

Hastags gives you impressions and that's what we need. Even if you have 10000 followers if you don't give proper tags you will not get the impressions which you would like to get. And the tags should be meaningful, like if I am talking about Crypto, we should use that tag, if I have written about coronavirus, then add those tags. Tags are necessary, and that is the hard truth.

Yeah that's the way I understood it as well lately as I've been checking on how to "use twitter better", we should definitely be more strict with #posh.

Yes we should all strictly follow the #posh initiative to make it a grand success.

Is there any evidence this #posh nonsense is actually benefiting Hive in any way?


hard to get proof on views other than asking authors about the views they got on peakd.com or asking the team if they can check how much of that came from twitter, but I mean it's getting users to share their posts at least which hardly happened at all in the past.

I really think posh should be rebranded to something more representing of hive.

What did you have in mind?

I mean the name itself doesn't matter much and we're not asking people to use the #posh tag on Twitter, it's just to easier find the posts on the chain through Gina that it helps. + it's not like another chain is representing it much anymore. ;P

#posh spice is getting tons of free traffic. The band is getting back together since they are on trending every day.

Perhaps it's time I get involved with helping to promote HIVE as well via Twitter - I've pretty much stepped away from all social media over the past few years, opting for things like Reddit and forums instead.

However, it would be great to see HIVE grow even larger, and every little bit of exposure does count.

How do you recommend one get started using Twitter in conjunction with HIVE? I could start this up, but I'm just curious what seems to be the most effective way of cross-promoting/doing some social/guerilla marketing for HIVE through social would be.

After you've created your account just check the hive tag and follow authors you recognize, many will probably follow you back. :)

Sweet! Time to go hunting today, I started a Twitter up yesterday xD

Hi, I ain't have much to say, but I think the switch to comment would make people see the effect of the #posh tag. I have used the tag for a couple of my publications and I really never noticed any effect. Though, there maybe things to consider as pointed out by @abitcoinskeptic

Why is the number of likes the only criterion for measuring activities when there exist other kpis like views, number of clicks etc. Users can decide to click a link and visit the post instead of liking it. This, to me is even better for hive than just clicking the like without reading the post. I stand to be corrected though.

Good point but as far as I've understood it only you (the owner of the twitter account) can check your analytics of a tweet so not sure how we'd be able to reward the comments based on that except for asking the authors to also share those stats a day or so later.

Right. That would be a challenge truly.

Good move.
It is probably the best way to avoid content just being shared in twitter accounts with no followers at all.

Yeah, we've also noticed that a lot, many accounts who also are brand new on Hive + Twitter probably just attempting to get votes. Sucks cause it puts a lot of work in our hands to check that they're not plagiarising/part of a scam ring when we don't want to just ignore them completely in case they're legit new users who just happened to also hear about #posh or friends that invited them told them about it.

I am not sure if the best way is to curate comments, maybe we can just test it and see how it goes.
I think that measuring the #posh activity with the likes that the tweet gets is easier even if it can be gamed.

Anyway I will keep sharing all my posts to twitter using the #posh tag, no matter what changes you do. Thanks!

#posh never worked for me 😀

I get tons of Twitter Likes... and tons of new Twitter followers.

Then may be I am not having the right skill 😟

You just need 10,000 followers on Twitter ...then you get
PAid for every tweet. Make billions.

Really ? I was searching for the same yesterday only and what I understood is that one has to promote ads to get paid, else no payment. You have more details ?

a suggestion I could give for twitter is to use the trending of hive #tags for twitter (we need some kind of trending hivelist for twitter) and mix it with #trendingctagsvof your geographic range, with this we could spread #hivevibes even trough all the covid anxiety that surround us and even use it as a gate.

not sure is it smart moving to twitter this small amount of engagement that we have here.

i also thought that you used some kind of measure of who shared it on twitter. i mean my 57 followers on twitter are not a number to cheer for :D

Dude u ballin on followers. I have 0 followers 😂, recently started my account and was about to join the posh movement but after reading all this I see no point. Oh well, wish them success.

most of my follower are from the steem/hive tweeter thing, so most of them know about hive :D

Contest can be organized for participants on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram at different times. Also, the tags to be used should be clearly stated so that large audience can know what posh stands for.
In addition, Admins of these forums should post regularly and not once in a while inorder to put people on their toes and people like to get rewarded for the efforts made and I believe posh have been doing this but can do more so that members can do extra work to make it more popular.
Regards.@acidyo I really appreciate your great effort on #posh and I wish #posh will be very popular on the internet. Let me say that #posh can be made very popular in various social media platforms. #posh could have a page on Facebook and all poshers should join the group with their real Facebook accounts. The admin of the of the page could make post and all active poshers should like and even comment to show they are active. On Instagram, a page can also be open for the Posh where pictures can be shared and people can also tag #posh. A very active admin could be given the job to do because These social media platforms needs very active administrator to do the job accordingly. To post, reply to questions and enquiry and also to comment accordingly. #posh will definitely know the real and active poshers who needs to be rewarded relating to their overall activities on all these platforms.the rewards could be related to their activeness in these forums.

Can the posh tag be used when sharing to any other platforms? I tried twitter out just because of the whole representing hive thing but i have so little interest in that platform that it’s painful...

Yes we'll be expanding to the others soon!