Ponte S. Miguel de Arcos

in #portugal6 years ago

I took this photograph two years ago, on a walk through the villages. The villages have hidden beauties that deserve to be admired!
In this case, a beauty that has centuries!

The bridge of S. Miguel of Arcos (Ponte de S. Miguel de Arcos, in portuguese) is a Roman bridge, located in the city of Vila do Conde. It is used in the route "Caminhos de Santiago", making the connection to Santiago de Compostela, in Galicia.
Once it was part of the main road between Porto and Galicia, the "Via Veteris".
The bridge is in Arcos, a parish with approximately 819 inhabitants. It was built, possibly, on the date of the thirteenth century. It was classified since 1982 as Property of Public Interest.
Deserves to be known!

Design by @aleister

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Incrível como as construções romanas se aguentam mais tempo de pé que certas construções de hoje em dia. Até parece que tinham melhor tecnologia, há séculos atrás!!! 😁

Boa foto, Mafalda!

I'd like to ask you to participate in my Art Curation Initiative #5

Ahahah ri com a melhor tecnologia, mas é verdade muita coisa aguentava mais do que agora, não só as construções.

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