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RE: Aee you depressed? - STOP WATCHING PORN!!!!!!!!

in #porn8 years ago

I have probably watched more porn than you have taken breathe's in your entire life (I am old as f*&k) and I can honestly say that I have never felt depressed or regretted watching porn.

Now having said that, I have intentionally monitored my porn watching to ensure that I do not become a "Porn Addict" as many other people do and I typically only watch it at most 2-3 times a week. But I frequently go weeks without watching any. Now having said that back in the day before Torrents I actually used to run one of the largest "Warez FTP Servers" on the internet and had over 200 Gigs of porn (back when that was millions of pictures and tens of thousands of videos) so I have watched a hell of a lot of porn in my life because every new file I got was viewed, categorized, sorted and properly named.