Totally agree with what you wrote here:
Adult Blockchain Consortium:
We are finding a fractured system for blockchain companies in the adult space and are looking to work with a few other established tokens/chains for 2020.
It would consist to have one landing page allowing people to pick a few to work with. Looking to establish partnerships on this with: Verge, SpankChain, Titcoin , Sexcoin , BARE and VIT.
We've been talking to Sexcoin and they are onboard.
We'll be building this out over the year to give a more cohesive looking presentation of the adult industry on blockchains.
Thanks @nakedyoga, yes we still need to reach out to the VIT team and see what we can do. We think if we can push the initiative as one it will help all. Thanks for the support.
Good luck :) I hope we can slowly evolve beyond the archaic tribalism that seems to run rampant in crypto space and start building something that truly disrupts the old system of surpression of adult content creators.
There is a bit of tribalism in the crypto space it would be nice to break through and actually create something that changes everything for the crypto space.