Porn Industry Irrevocably Damaged by Association with Ted Cruz

in #porn8 years ago

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— The smut business has likely endured lasting harm because of its appalling relationship with the Texas representative Ted Cruz, industry sources said on Tuesday.
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Porn, which takes in yearly benefits of fifteen billion dollars, could see those incomes wrecked if, as some industry specialists fear, clients start to have nosy contemplations including Senator Cruz.

"For porn makers, this is an emergency with no basic arrangement," Harland Dorrinson, an industry insider, said. "On the off chance that you caution watchers not to consider Ted Cruz, there's a genuine peril that that is all they'll consider."

In the hours since porn initially moved toward becoming related with the Texas representative, activity to porn destinations has dove in what industry sources are regretfully calling "the Cruz impact."

"I've delighted in porn for a considerable length of time and never imagined that anything could demolish the experience for me," Davis Logsdon, a porn client from Minnesota, said. "You're the best, Ted Cruz."