Your writeup is good. I once made a research on powerful effect of reconciliation and forgiveness in human life. My own defination of reconciliation is an act by an individual to seek to restore a situation or an object back to its previous state. A decision to reconsile result when an individual discovers a wrong action taking or a wrong step towards another individual or process in actualizing a goal. From mine findings reconciliation is an endeavor, when the other party accept (forgives) and see a need(reason) to restore back to the previous state, it then becomes a successful reconcilation. If reconciliation fails, the individual that engage in the act at least satisfy his/her conscience.
I am new on steemit, I am still trying to get use to the platform. When I am used to steemit, I will be posting powerful post that will empower the human life.
Self awareness and humility is so important.
Welcome to Steemit. I’ll give ya a 100% upvote to give you some support to start. Have a good time exploring the blockchain 😊
Thank you. I am looking forward in contributing to steemit growth.