Cleaning The Pool Filter

in #pool7 years ago

Cleaning the pool filter can be a pretty big headache but it is necessary because the system is under so much more pressure if it isn’t cleaned out.
This is a Diatomaceous Earth filter. The DE sticks to the grids and then when the water filters through algae and other particles will get stuck in the very fine powder. In some ways these work better than Sand filters.
After you take it out and spray it off a ton it is ready to go back together.
After it is back in you have to put DE down the skimmer so it gets sucked into the filter and sticks to the filter grids.
I put about 8 to 10 cups of DE in.
The goal is to get back to clear blue waters!


Whoa.. I never see how mess up they can be. I thought it should start to get cold and Google does not like you in the pool view. :-)

Yeah the algae can really get caked in there for sure. Plus all the dirt that blows into the pool.

Now, it make sense why the pool has to close sometimes for maintenance even when our pools are mostly open 7 days a week.

Industrial sized pools take a beating for sure as well because a lot of times they keep the pumps running 24/7 and will have multiple filters for the pool and then a separate system for the SPA. It is a lot of upkeep for both residential and commercial pools.

Interestingly, I heard there are people who go to the public pool to swim quite regularly but many of them still end up disappointed having to be turned away when they go and find out close for maintenance. The maintenance schedule is quite regular and is displayed quite prominently.

Whats going on with the sale. You guys closing soon? You gonna have one last Steemit pool party before you move, just make sure you wear pasties ;)

Things are really dragging out with it which worries me. Yeah I'm going to have to wear pasties for sure and probably blur out my upper body completely. lol

That sucks. Are they asking for a lot of repairs or just dragging their feet?

My partner went through the same thing. He accepted an offer from a first time home buyer. The guy as most people do asked for some repairs which is fine, it doesn't hurt to ask and every house has some things wrong. That said after my partner made a few minor repairs like GFI outlets and a few other things the guy started asking for alot of really petty things that I as a new home owner just kind of assume are my responsibility to do, wanted the vents cleaned, chimney cleaned, etc. To me when you buy a new house that's jusst stuff you do yourself but whatever.

Anyhow, my buddy jumps through hoops for this guy. They keep stalling asking for more and more stuff. Then they asked to come see the house about 3 more times, each under the guise they had family in town who wanted to take a look.

Then they come back asking for an entirely new furnace and AC. Turns out their "grandpa" they wanted to come see the house was actually an HVAC guy who came over to the house and disassembled the entire furnace and AC saying there's all these issues. They never had permission to do so.

My buddy at this point was sick of dealing with these people and basically said I'm walking. Looked like the deal was gonna fall through and at the last minute the people were like no no no we want the house. He said I'm not doing another thing. Deal finally closed but yeah selling definitely is a pain in the butt and stressful.

To add to his troubles he had a possum or something die under his porch and spent like a week trying to combat the smell. Finally had to have a guy come up, take apart his deck to bust apart the concrete step that had formerly been under the deck. That was another expensive thing.

Hope everything works out for you

Yeah that sounds like a total nightmare for your business partner.

There were a lot of annoying things in just showing the house. There is a sliding glass door I have and I have seriously never had issues with it the entire time I have been here and somehow these morons and their agents would jump it off the track and shit. Then I would have to spend all kinds of time trying to get it back in place. It was ridiculous. Also people just opening up all the blinds and fucking them up and then just leaving them.

About these buyers. It has been a similar thing in the fact that they were asking for a lot and dragging their feet. I have my worries about it and one of the big things I worry about is them suddenly still looking around and kind of seeing another properly enter the market but at this time I have agreed to a lot of stuff and been more than generous to make the deal go through that hopefully they feel pretty invested as well.

Also that pisses me off that they disassembled the AC and Furnace without your partners permission. It is a good way to break shit that isn't even broken. I have had some minor situations over here like that.

For instance I had some moron turn one of the pool pipe valves in a direction that wouldn't create flow for the pool or the spa. And I'm just thinking in my head. What in the actual fuck do these morons think they are doing switching stuff when they have no clue how that system works.

I had other people fuck with the hot water heater settings and then suddenly it was broken. I think it was a coincidence but still I almost went into a rage.

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