Another Bit Connect scam ?
Yes Its Called Zouk Coin
I just was watching You Tube Video and I got an add for this Zouk coin with a Bit Connect sign on it.
Its another ponzi lending multi level marketing scam
Watch out for the multi level market scamers of criag grant, Trevor James and Crypto Nick to Pump and dump this Ponzi thats what they love to do
Stay clear and keep you money the real coins Bit Coin
This looks like another Scam in the making so its a warning for everyone now stay clear
Its a Ponzi Scheme Like Bit Connect was
I just say one thing every one have brain but nothing in brain if they invest without checking,testing and getting info from investor. @newmarket65 you are right for your knowledge....
Good freen
Thanks for bringing the awareness to us. I appreciate and will now be more carefull when purchasing any cyrptocurrency
Ya there are so many out there. It is ridiculous. lolol
yes for sure ICO token lots of them
Well done sir, that you have pointed that. Thanks
Zouk coin well let's keep an open eye and see if it is indeed a scam
Just do not put your cash
Till I'm certain if it's a scam or not i won't. Just gonna keep an eye on it for a while
This one i can see as a scam Maybe. but a Scam means that they take a money. not give money or interact with there community that they created later after a cease and disist order sent by multiple states. BitConnect was never a scam. I put in 1k and got 10k out of it. If it was a scam i would'nt have gotten anything. Plus they continue to interact with there Community.
Ponzi Scams are definitely a thing and will happen but putting that title on a business is not fair to the people who put there hearts into a project just to get a title that's false.
Bit Connect Took people investment money and gave them back less it was a scam. Then ZOUK Coin promotes a video with Bit Connect association with it on there video. Gives the impression to the people that its connected with these schemes. It may be that your view but the signs tell me it looks like it. Thanks for commenting