world biggest pronzy site HashOcean taken $44m and gone

in #ponzi9 years ago

Do you also Vitim of HashOcean cloud mining may be because more then  700,000 users have lost there money ..and people who taken out there money they are profitable otherwise they have taken all our money ..s

So do you think they will come back or fbi will do anything to get pour fund back 

many use like this 

"  Trombini said he started the campaign because he had lost about $10,000  dollars - everything he had and six months of work: “I see others want  justice, so I started to search for my own.”  

lost so much that people still hoping to bet back there money but still not light on it ..

 Three separate online petitions have been opened by individuals who have  reportedly lost their investments in the defunct HashOcean Bitcoin  mining company. They are seeking to get the interest of the relevant  transborder crimes department of law enforcement agencies such as the  FBI, CIA, Interpol and MI6.

so say away form this cloud mining look ponzy ..

And do you think hashocen will come back


I was in this as well. I don't think they will come back.

yes we are hope to get our money ..but till now no update

This is what everyone gets for beliving a ponzi, nearly everything is a ponzi and everyone shuld be carefoul.

the money will never be returned,it is a shame that police dont chase this case.

the money will never be back

I was victim by before 2 years.after that I never believe in cloud mining.I think all cloud mining site are scam.they are waiting for proper time to run out.hashocen also did this and will never come back.