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RE: Polygala - colour me Mauve

in #polygala6 years ago

Myrtle-leaf milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia) has been widely cultivated as a garden ornamental, particularly in the temperate regions of Australia. The typical form of the species is generally no longer cultivated, but a modern cultivar (i.e. Polygala myrtifolia 'Grandiflora') is now widespread in cultivation. This cultivar was thought to be sterile, but it has recently been found to set some seed.

Widely naturalised in the coastal districts of southern Australia (i.e. in the coastal districts of eastern New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, southern South Australia and south-western Western Australia). Less common in the sub-coastal and inland regions of Victoria, South Australia and south-western Western Australia. Also naturalised on Norfolk Island.

Naturalised overseas in New Zealand and south-western USA (i.e. California).