Poloniex as Teacher of life

in #poloniex8 years ago (edited)

All it started on 22 May 2017 ...

On the morning I had to go to exam, exam was about my country taxes as I know them really well it wasn't so hard, at least for me. Anyway before going on exam I did my morning doings, like watching my cryptocurrency trading platforms what my assets are doing there and where to invest to day trade. Searching a little bit I saw that XEM-s are in really good condition (bought them earlier), well I wondered I could sell them now and take out a good profit and buy more back if price is low again.

Thought and Done ... or was it? After 30 min I were wondering how is it possible to take it so long to transport XEM-s from one address to another. Usually it takes maximum 5 minutes. As I were kind a hurry so I left it that way and went to exam. After exam I still hadn't got my coins (It was about 3 hours after Transaction was completed).

I started looking for help, I opened ticket on poloniex support site and guess what after 24 day it is still ''Being Processed''. Seriously WoW Polo just WoW ...

This day people told me that it could take up to 3 weeks to open my case, I was like O_o ..
After first second week I were wondering what if I won't get back my coins and they are all lost? I would lose huge amount of $$$
So I started looking for help, got some Tips:

  • Some other guys who had reaching support also told me to - Ask help from poloniex Trollbox admin - So I went there and Guess what They just closed it ...
  • Second change was to create sub-post on Reddit - Well take another guess They closed it too..
  • Third opportunity is to send them tweet on Twitter - I did it and now waiting for reply, or they just keep ignoring, dunno we'll see.

There is a fourth change also what has been working for others, to close ticket and open other ... I don't know why but I didn't tried this one, I just opened every day one new ticket (of course I deleted previous ticket and then opened new one).

Anyway the reason why I got myself in this trouble is that I Encrypted transaction message! It was big mistake, I even don't know why I did this ... LoL It is logic that without message you won't get transaction but at this time I didn't think about it. Just wanted to try it out, stupid decision.

I have heard that Poloniex support has a lot do to lately, but its almost a month and no reply at all, It's not good for Company. I still hope I will get my Coins back, good thing is that I hope XEM-s are rising and they are long term investment, as long as I will get them back is all good, otherwise it's f***ed.

Just remember be careful, stupid little mistakes can cost you a bunch of money...


I made a similar mistake when i first started. I have heard a lot of bad stories from Polo, i think its time i move to a new exchange.