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RE: Israel's Top Secret Revealed

in #politics8 years ago

No they can't convert. Judaism is based on heredity. Ashkenazi Jews have no link at all to ancient Hebrews and are no more Jews than white Australian men are Aborigines. But it doesnt really matter because the Hebrews plagiarized everything to make the Torah anyway such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and Sumerian creation myth.


Umm... Yes they can convert. I have been involved in Jewish circles, I have read about the process. It can be done.

Actually, as far as the Torah goes, the children of Abraham were to keep the Torah. If you believe in the Messiah then you're graphed into Israel; the children of Abraham. If you're Abraham's child then you have a right to that land. Do you see where I'm going with this? That land will never belong to the Palestinians. It belongs to us; it belongs to the Hebrews and it belongs to the Jews- it belongs to those who keep the Torah. The Jews do their best to keep the Torah in the manner that they know how. The land belongs BIBLICALLY and ANSESTORIALLY to them.

This assumes Abraham even existed. Why would anyone believe a psychopath who claimed that a god told him to sacrifice his own child. The same could be said of Moses whose story was plagiarized from the legend of Sargon of Akkad.

I agree with Native Americans who say the land does not belong to us but we belong to the land. If land rights is based on heredity then the white Jews only own Southern Russia from where the Ashkenazis originated from.

Jews jews jews, worryong about jews its our own poeple beng paid off to spread the lies, lets exile those ones first!!!

or jail them...