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RE: Israel's Top Secret Revealed

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

DNA evidence, historical evidence, obvious difference between White Europeans and Middle Easterners. What are you missing?
A White person is European and could not possible be realted to the ancient Hebrews. This is why white "Jews" speak Yiddish.

So you are telling me that actual quotes from Tacitus are political. That is historical and I studied the quotes. Tacitus said that Jews in the Roman Empire were black. If some white people claimed they have a right to Africa because they are bushmen but can't trace their lineage back to Africa we would laugh at them. How are "Jewish" Israelis any different. Same if White Austrailians claim the Austrialian land on the basis that they are aboriginees. It's a scam. White Israelis originated in Southern Russia and have nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews.


I'm just saying there isn't a lot of science here. :)

What your saying does not conform the facts. There is a DNA study and a historical fact that Tacitus said Jews in the Roman Empire were black. I don't know how you define science but it is clearly well documented that we are being scammed by Khazarians claiming to be Jews as a justification for invading the Palestinians. WIthout the mantle of Jewry that they hijacked they would have no justification for building a Russian colony there. Thanks for your posts but I think I know what science is. I have done research myself and the evidence I posted here is valid, reliable, and historically accurate.