Democracy, Social Democracy Or Capitalism?

in #politics7 years ago


Hello Steemians, hope y'all are good and having a positive week. I've been wanting to say some few things on the topic above but really haven't got to it till now. Do any of you still believe most sovereign nations have democracy in today's world by seeing what is going on all around us? I seriously with all honesty don't believe that we have anything that resembles raw form of democracy today, it's all Horseshit but we do have a tinge of social democracy and the most sinister form of Capitalism that has replaced the real democracy in governments way back when.
Warning, I will be using abit of Profanity terms in this post.

Today all over the world we see more wars, suffering, chaos, hunger, disease, excessive civilian deaths, ethnic cleansing, governments stealing from public coffers and enriching the excessively rich even more and countless peaceful demonstrators getting handed their own ass by police and others so called security forces. Many who stand up for their rights usually get silenced and never to be heard of again.

As seen above this is exactly what Democratic and Good Governance means, do you have such a system in your country? Is it helping the majority of your population especially the poor and middle class and not only the wealthy? If yes then good for you, I think planet Disney somewhere in the cosmos is a great place for all of us to migrate too😀.

There are so many terms that people use to describe what forms of governance we are living under that can confuse many people. Today around the world, the governments with powerful militaries and big corporations are dictating rules and regulations of which they want not only their countries but that of others to follow or live by their rules or face economic and and military backlash. To me it strikes me as a form of Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism because we the many are stripped of the freedom to choose.
Let's look at the definition of the two:

Authoritarianism is principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people.

Totalitarianism are regimes or movements maintain themselves in political power by means of secret police, propagandadisseminated through the state-controlled mass media, personality cult, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticism, single-party state, the use of mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror tactics.

As we see the definitions of the two it seems like quiet a number of countries are ruled with some form of both Authoritarian and Totalitarian guidelines. Do you still think that your country is democratic and is ruled justly? I'd love to drink the Kool-aid you're using.

Now let's look at the mother-load of the axis of actual evil which is Capitalism. This form of organized criminal ruling has brought Us down and made us even more miserable. The military complexes, the banks and banksters, the pharmaceutical industry, the energy industry and the Wall Street criminals and of course the SATAN'S of Intelligence complexes have all made it so easy to rule the so called democratic countries by the BALLZ and are doing things all over the world that me and you can't do Shit about it not now anyway. Our politicians, leaders like congressmen and senators businessmen, doctors, scientists, engineers and religious leaders are all in their pockets and in return the normal folks suffer their consequences.


Capitalism is when few politically correct individuals, bankers, oligarchs and corporations moguls hold the rest of us civilians hostage and practice repression to run us as they see fit. There is no nation in the world that this is more evident than USA & EUROPE in which the ripple effect is felt all over the world. These kind of organizations choose who gets what and who doesn't, the banksters can turn your credit rating to look like toilet paper within a short time. If someone outside their circles finds the cure for cancer, aids or even Ebola which can help hundreds of millions of people globally get the cure for their conditions then be rest assured the pharmaceutical industry will stop the cure from ever being manufactured or tried to help even a single human being because they will not be able to sell us their poisons which literally take us all out eventually. If there's a cure for any heavy and lethal diseases out there then may be only a dozen will be manufactured to give it to their billionaires and help them live longer and continue killing the rest of us.

The Pyramid Of Truth which works similarly to the The Pyramid & The Eye

Pyramid makes sense right? Of course it does and since I mentioned the pyramid with the EYE I was doing some research and found out that out of all the central banks or federal reserves the ROTHSCHILD's family has managed to buy majority shares of all them except 4 Countries only which IRAN is one of them and Venezuela. Recall the news past few days now about the call of war with Iran courtesy of spray tan Trump and Benjamin the biby bitch of Israel? This is also about the massive gas reserve that Iran has and its the only country that has never bow down to the US and Israel which really scares them as they are extremely powerful both militarily and economical. While America talks Shit about Iran and brings all sorts of sanctions to its people the neighbor Israel has almost grabbed all Palestinians land, barricaded them and cut off their electricity and stopping much needed food aid to get through but yet Americans & most European nations do nothing. So you see we have no democracy or justice left all around us. Americans are quick to talk about regime change and label people terrorists yet there is no country in the world that has invaded, bombed and occupied more countries like the United States. Go check how many nations the US has invaded since world War 2 and you'll see for yourself.
God knows I fuckin hate Terrorism and leaders who do things like terrorists and thugs, this has to be stopped and wiped totally, no doubt about that but the country which is putting on a facade to do that 🇺🇸 is known for breeding, helping and supporting terrorist groups.


I veered off topic a bit there but I was trying to make a point on how power and corruption is a double edged sword. So you see friends we really don't have democracy and we have leaders who have no clue what the term democracy truly is. Power, money and a centralized corruption system are the ones who are ruling us. Try to help, guide and be honest and kind to whoever you can do that for because it's such small acts that will help us maybe have a better world tomorrow. Look at different view points, analise and then give your opinion on the matter but don't enforce your rules or way of life on others, this only brings trouble. Travel and see how people live and their cultures so maybe you can understand their point of view or policies better. Integrate and cooperate with the right kind of minds and people so we can help make this world a better place for the future. Finally get off the Centralized system and join the Decentralized system like STEEMIT so we can help one another build an open, positive and honest ways of working and living that will be beneficial and fruitful for us all and those coming after us.

Well friends this is the end and I hope you liked the post and reading it. Wishing y'all a positive and successful week, please UPVOTE and Resteem.
Thanks and **KEEP ON STEEMIN **


This is a really strong post. You do a great job of fully explaining your ideas in ways that are easily understood, and without being off-putting or 'extreme'.
Do you think that people are aware of the things that are happening with our government and choose to do nothing? Why is it that people are so uninterested in understanding how the systems that determine every facet of our lives, work? Great post! Woot Woot!

Hi there friend, sorry for the late reply as I have been away and haven't been active for 7days. First thanks for your comment and compliment, secondly I believe there is a very high number of people who actually know at least half the bad stuff our governments do but they remain quiet out of fear for so long that they eventually just become naive. There is still a lot of of people who are just living in limbo too, they are completely oblivious to the facts, around 40% of the population are in this state. The other thing is some are spreading the facts of what is really going on but from the shadows in order to avoid being known or followed or spied on relentlessly by the corrupt and vile deep state. We have to be great full for the ones who are telling it like it is in the limelight as they are responsible for opening up our eyes and minds to the truth. Have you looked into Geo engineering? These fuckin evil rodents in places of power are doing things that are very lethal to us and our planets atmosphere, some stuff are irreversible. Check geoengineering on You Tube. If you want to know about the real 911 go search for 'Christopher Bollyn on YT and listen to his speech. An ex marine named Ken O'Keefe is bad ass and tells it like it is and of course ex CIA Kevin Shipp is really good. Cheers mate 👍

Hey I'm just glad you responded I was really looking forward to hearing your thoughts. I intend to be one of those people, although I am still working up courage to explain everything that... I can't explain it. I feel like daily I get closer and closer to the truth and this morning I began to make some intense connections and.... Goodness... People are just being manipulated. Not all of us have come from timelines where there was peace on Earth so some of us just don't remember or remember it from so long ago they have lost track. I do agree with you there. I'm definitely going to have to read up on the resources you gave me! Cheers to you as well! Fighting the good fight! Right on, man!

Exactly mate, sometimes you wonder why some of these people are so naive and oblivious to the facts all around them, even a monkeys in a zoo see more than such individuals. I'm glad to hear you're working on your courage but most importantly learning more and more, these characters will make you see even more than you intended. With me I've always been a guy with no fear and if I see quiet and calm individuals being bullied by morons oh I always stepped up and dealt with bullies right there and then and beat quiet a few in school... Hahaha. Eventually people knew I wasn't to be fucked with, I liked standing up for the little guy always. I'd advise you to learn more and help those getting stepped on first to understand why they are being treated like that what is exactly going on around them. You change 1 mind at a time and this will help you gain courage to speak and give your true opinions to many. Also it's true your generation I'm guessing haven't seen real peace and harmony which someone like me was fortunate to see even a little, my parents knew peace not us to be honest. I get that many are scared to step out of their comfort zone but then again you can't live like a zombie for the rest of your life because that will hurt even more eventually. Cheers mate and keep on searching for the truth, you will succeed. PEACE ✌

This is some of the greatest advice anyone has given me yet. I really appreciate your input and will seriously take it into consideration. I really think that you are touching on something very important. If you would somehow like to get involved please let me know. It's insane the timing of your advice I had just observed a similar situation with a really well known leader in the blockchain industry. I was considering if it would be worthwhile... or if anybody else noticed the way some of the developers on the other side are being treated... That is definitely something I'm looking into. I really appreciate your input, it brought a tear to my eye and this is exactly why I wanted to join steemit. I love the interactions that can happen on steemit. It reminds me a little bit of oldschool myspace. AHHH I miss those days. It's errie a little to see how things are playing out in the world, what they are trying to make us do to ourselves whoever they even are.. Maybe it's us doing it to ourselves and each other. who knows. It's a strange time, but I am just trying to tunnel my way out and build something different. Thank you so much, bless you!

Thanks alot for the compliment and the way you related to what I told you before, it's this kind of exact character you have that will lead you to understand the world and everything around you better and how the world and our actions actually work together to shape our future. Don't worry about how you'll portray onto others what you know for now because as you learn more you will get more confident and eventually your knowledge will speak for you without you even realizing it. You asked me about a developer of the blockchain but I didn't understand totally what you tried to explain regarding the situation so let me know what it is and also you asked if I would like to join or have an input on something but I didn't know what exactly you meant. Let me know so I can reply you on that, keep digging and drilling for the truth on everything and you will be a smarter n more conscious person to help your fellow human beings in a positive manner. Enjoy your weekend mate, Cheers

Here, email me? I am starting a collective based on applying blockchain technology along with holistic social system development for collective impacts. I'm finding I need more help planning, so I am getting ready to put everything into reaching out to different people and to get a community support organization in place. If you've ever heard of a backbone organization? I think it's going to be something like that. You give such awesome advice. I will have more details and what not soon, but shoot me an email and I can send you what I've come up with so far. It's just me and one other teammate for now.

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