How could two cretins manage to screw up things so badly that The United States of America has become a virtual second world nation and will be forever more spelt america with only a small A . . .
It is hard to imagine any foreign Super Power or bunch of animal inter-coursing razor-less fools being able to do as much damage as these two professional politicians have managed to wreck as much havoc in so short a time frame ! ! !
The baby bush administration was almost unanimously voted by experts as the most incredible failure in history, but ole Barrack has clearly challenged that assessment with his own lack luster " the forgotten administration " . . .
How could such people voluntarily seek high public office and simply use it for photo opportunities, anyways I digress please vote for the Biggest most useless pathetic loser of our entire millennium ! ! !
Thank You Pixabay for the images.
coat & hat ? = 53