Why I Turned To National Socialism

in #politics7 years ago

This guy here echos my beliefs exactly. He gives the idea of national socialism a run down and I got to say, it's not sounding that bad. I think either way they're going to call me a racist Nazi so at some point it don't matter. When he talks about race mixing and degeneracy he has a point. People shouldn't get their penis chopped off and told that it's socially acceptable. How many people were forced by social pressure to say that Caitlyn Jenner was "bold" or "beautiful". That is so nasty it makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. No Bruce I will never call you Caitlyn and what you did was degenerate. You make me sick and a large number of people that go through with gender reassignment surgery usually commit suicide. I personally hope you're one of them.

If National Socialism is about preserving cultural and racial heritage then what would be so wrong with that. The Mexican's have Mexico and it would be in their interests to preserve their culture and heritage and there isn't anything wrong with that. Japan, China, Russia, India, Israel etc... all have cultures and heritages that are rich and deep and are worth preserving but not if your white? Are you telling me that white people hold no value and that our culture needs to be eradicated. That we need to become a minority in our own land. Look at what's happening in Sweden right now. Our women need to get rapped and our children kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery for what, diversity!

In order to insure our continued existence we need to start having children. If we don't then we will no longer be around for generations to come. I also think we need to create an Anglo ethnic state of our own like Israel did and rise up against the racism and hatred of the left. I believe that we shouldn't be hostile or show hatred to other races or cultures. I also don't believe we should allow them to genocide us as a race off the face of the earth. I'm genuinely concerned about the future of white America and hope that we can avoid a civil/race related war in the US.

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I don't think whiteness has anything to do with our culture. We had white slaves as well as black. The Left has 'defined' wanting to hold on to tradition and culture into a white thing but it really has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with 'mindset'. American culture is about freedom, not skin color. The fact that at one time in our history 'some' Americans did not agree with that, does not give people the right to redefine what Americanism is. Whites fought and died along side blacks for this idea of freedom. And today mant colors feel the same way. The Right, who believes in that greatness is falsely defined as wanting 'whiteness' or slavery back. No one cares what color Americans are. We care about the 'minset'. The only reason things like immigration come into the picture is that the Left is importing 'mindsets' that are contrary to our values. It has nothing to do with whites harboring Hispanic or Muslim bigotry. It has everything to do with Democrats importing people who believe our States are rightfully Mexico's or who believe Sharia Law supercedes American law. If all these immigrants were white the opposition would be exactly the same. Whites don't have to reproduce to keep American values intact. 'Pro-American Americans of ALL races need to reproduce and teach their children American values.

You don't see that there's an agenda to genocide the white races? How we need to stand together to defend what's left of Anglo American society. Everywhere I turn I'm being told I'm racist just because I want to preserve my cultural heritage. I'm a white male and it's not just a problem for me, after they've completed their genocide on us who do you think is next?

Ok wow. I was at the park earlier without wifi and I finally got the chance to actually watch the video. Xsmith really? You agree with this guy? It's a pipedream. The same unachievable 'utopia' that Leftists believe in. Totally undoable!

I do agree with this guy because there's nothing wrong with wanting to preserve whiteness. Just like there's nothing wrong with wanting to preserve any other culture.

But the problem with that ideology is that it's not American at all! Just because the first American settlers were white and there was blatant bigotry against blacks, the whole concept of America had absolutely nothing to do with race. It had everything to do with freedom, especially of religion. The whole point of our Country is to seperate powers. To not be led by a king. Each State determining policies they feel fits their populations best.

Since most Americans today do not believe in seperation of races, and we're already 'mixed breeds' #1 how the heck could you ever begin to separate people into 'pure breeds' now? And #2 How the heck would it even be possible without a tyranical dictator to force such a rediculous thing unpon everyone?

I don't think you're thinking it through enough xsmith. It's an impossible utopia that cannot exist other than in your imagination ya know?

"Since most Americans today do not believe in seperation of races"

Well for starters I think you'd be surprised at just how many people are starting to really think about diversity and the separation of the races. You did have Charlottesville happen which suggests that there's an uprising that's about to occur. People are seeing past the lies that have been pushed on them from the left and are naturally gravitating towards the right. There is a difference between a National Socialist and a Neo-Nazi, two totally different animals.

"How the heck would it even be possible without a tyranical dictator to force such a rediculous thing unpon everyone?"

I could see it happening as a result of people just deciding to go along a spectrum of whiteness as opposed to say just pure German or Swedish per say. Who knows maybe if the left doesn't quit with their non sense they'll spark the next racially inspired race war. It could only happen if our brothers of the faith went out and red pilled as many people as possible. If I had to guess I would say it's already happening as we speak.

I'm gonna slap you silly boy...lol

No seriously, I have so much I want to express to you but won't have time until tomorrow night possibly.

I wish more people understood national socialism and paid attention to reality and stopped listening to lies and propaganda.

Having said that, I'm an Australian. The racialism promoted by national socialist Germany needs some adjustment. We have an indigenous culture here and it's not us. They were here first. This is unlike Germany where they are the indigenous race and German is not just a nationality but is also an ethnicity. As an Australian I have an Australian identity but not an ethnicity. At least not yet...