Hey a-hole.
I'll be using that Sean until I get an apology from YOU since YOU wrote the following.
Don't be a dick and READ:
sgtreport (67) · 18 days ago
x-veritas, what an a-hole you have become. WTF man? You wrote: "Sean is truly losing his 'cred' with me.He's beginning to manifest all of the signs of controlled opposition."
WHY exactly????
There is an OBVIOUS divide and conquer strategy in the alt-media space on You Tube right now, mostly over Q, and clearly you drank the Kool-Aid. Veritas means truth, and you've lost track of it entirely if you think I'm "controlled" by anyone.
My Bollyn 9/11 interview was ALL about Zionism and the Mossad and You Tube DELETED it and gave me a STRIKE. Seriously, stop being a dick.
This post will be repeated on every one of your posts here at steemit until mitigated.
That means YOU-Sean, come to your senses and behave like a True Christian.
Stop whining.
It's not becoming a middle-aged Man.
Nor productive for your own children.