RussiaGate Is Dead. Democrats In Denial.

in #politics6 years ago


As some of you have heard by now, Mueller has handed his report to the Justice Department. Attorney General William Barr wrote a letter to congress summarizing the report, which concluded that there was no evidence of collusion, and there wasn't enough sufficient evidence of Trump committing obstruction of justice. Democrats and media pundits who have spent the last 2 years hyping this conspiracy theory have been struggling to come to terms with this.

Comedian Bill Maher said recently on his show, "I don't need Mueller's report to know that Trump is a traitor. I have a TV". The same Bill Maher who used to dunk on Bush for lying us into Iraq now trusts the government because of Trump. How sad. I have a TV too. The problem is that everyone who pushed this conspiracy theory on TV have all lied about Saddam's WMDs, the gas attack in Syria, Venezuela, and now Russia. Democrats are even suggesting that Barr is mischaracterizing Mueller's own work, and that the real smoking gun is in the full report.




MSNBC's Joy Reid called this the "seeds of a cover-up", since Barr didn't recuse himself.

Here's my response. HAVE YOU ALL LOST YOUR ABILITY TO THINK?! Did Trump one day snap his fingers and turn half of your brains to dust? (Yes, I had to work in a Thanos reference.) Why the hell would Mueller stand by with his dick in his hand while Barr mischaracterizes his findings? He was able to call bullshit on a Buzzfeed article about Trump instructing Michael Cohen to lie to congress, you don't think he would do the same if Barr had misworded his report? The facts are there have been 0 indictments related to collusion, Mueller recommends no further indictments, and doesn't recommend impeachment.

Would I love to see the official report? Sure, but all you centrists who are hoping for something impeachment-worthy in that report are only setting yourselves up for even more disappointment. Fear not though, the full report will be available on Amazon within the next month. You can also rest knowing the New York southern district is still investigating his finances and chances are, when he is no longer POTUS, he will be indicted on a financial crime, as Kyle Kulinski predicted.