It is so difficult to not feel more and more powerless. It isn't enough anymore just to prepare and take care of yourself. We have to start adopting a truth and honor warrior mentality or we will not make it. Don't laugh but we never talk about love anymore. Not talking about the gooey kind. More like guardian angel stuff.
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Uhhhm, the "gooey kind" of love is now called porn. It's free nowadays ...and you can even get gooey all by yourself. A friend of mine can E-lope pretty well with both his right AND his left hand while watching free porn. If he can refine it down to the point where he gets any size he wants with just his left hand...I give up on love...but I will still marry a rich girl who's got to have me...and is willing to pay for it. Not sure what Greg's lady followers are waiting for. At least upvote me.Jeeez...tuff crowd here at Greg's
You are very cynical. No knocks on masturbation it's a gift. But you have a negative and twisted slant on Love, which unfortunately is going around.
Love in general...or love of a man for a woman? I love every animal in my yard...and I mean "deeply" love them. Not a single squirrel beitched at me yet for squeezing the toothpaste in the middle of the tube. Try that with your wooooman...and don't forget to say I love you when she does something else to piss you off either. Moved the furniture around lately? Fukkin gekko's like my couch right where it is. THAT is love :-)
Love for a gecko counts.