You guys make it sound like it is easy to escape the reality we live in. This is not just a decision we will be able to make, it would take a few generations to rid ourselves of an idea/ideas that has been so meticulously implanted into the very fabric of our nature (our kids grow up in front of the TV).
Well, it was not my intention to make it seem easy, on the contrary, that is, what I was trying to say is that the structure of power seems, at first glance, to be quite fragile, since it depends on the beliefs of the people, so, if they thought different everything would change. But on the other hand, it is unlikely to happen, in fact, Marx thought that all these beliefs, which represented the superstructure, would be replaced, and that the proletariat would take control over the only thing that according to him mattered, the means of production, but that It never happened.
These people have knowledge of concepts/technologies/ideas we can not even dream off. They know exactly what to do to make people behave/react a specific way.
More knows the devil for being old than for being the devil. I think that the people who govern, have a long time doing it, have built this model of government on the basis of the previous government, that is, the Ancien Regime, in the same way that the Germanic royalty built theirs on the basis of the Roman model after that this one fell.
Even the complexity of the system you just explain (which I'm sure is not all there is to it, even though I have not seen anyone explain it better)
Rest assured that this is the case, there is much more that we do not see, in fact, there are many things that I still ask myself. That's why I said that I would describe the system in a superficial way, because there are simply things that I leave out for lack of knowledge. And I think that no matter how much I study about it, there will be some things that I will never know, unless I belong to their most restricted group, and that they voluntarily explain it to me.
Do you think someone in normal conditions could think of a plan like this?
Well, I ask myself the same question, I do not know if this system was created based on a process of failure and correction, or it is simply the result of some prodigious mind, or of a superior knowledge.
There is a phrase of the Baron de Rothschild that says something like: Let us control the money of a country and we care not who makes its laws. I suppose these subjects learned better than anyone else how they can use money, since they were the bankers of royalty and clergy for centuries.
This however is a very simple example and many a moons ago. What do you think could be conjured up in today's day and age?
Well, I usually make parallels between science and religion, and on several occasions I have said how science has become a fallacy of authority today, so those who have this kind of knowledge that you describe, can effectively use it to dominate people.
Like this saying! I have never heard this before.
Agree 100%. Think my recent rant in my post on science ties up well.
Like your work @vieira! If you have time please see my question in my first comment. It is really something stuck in my head recently.
I was about to answer your question in the first comment, but it was raining and electricity was gone, now I answer.