Hey @joshsigurdson, I'm big supporter of alternative media and I like the work you do with Dan.
I think this title is misleading... I watched the video and I don't see anyone getting destroyed.
It seemed like most Canadians were in favor of gun control and it seemed like you and Dan were out to make the point about the monopoly of gun violence by the police and government.
This debate has been going on for quite sometime in the US and there seems to be no end in sight.
Can you kindly point to the studies that you showed that provide evidence that more guns = less crime?
I assume the studies are measuring gun ownership and the decline in gun crime or violent crime.
Correlation does not equal causation, and in this case there may exist other possibilities that contribute to the decline in gun crime / violence that have nothing to do with gun ownership.
I did a little search of my own and seems like both sides have their own proof.
I think you also unfairly portrayed this guy in the thumbnail.
I'm not really a fan of titles with "leftist" / "right wing" I feel like this just reinforces a divide between people.
He was just answering your questions and at the end I think we hear him say: "Don't use this."