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RE: Transgender individuals serving face uncertainty

in #politics7 years ago

Its not about the transgenders, its about their medical expenses which will cost too much when that money could go to feeding troops and keeping the nation safe. They are, and its truly not something they can control sadly, too much of a burden compared to normal troops. I don't want to make anyone mad, I'm just giving the other side of the argument.


I understand that that's Trump's reason but if you look at what most people are saying, the topic has shifted to it being a distraction. The money it costs when it comes to their medical expenses is so tiny compared to places where we actually waste money. It's hard to not find that as an excuse. I don't think that they're "abnormal" troops. I think troops are troops. I def see what you're trying to say though.

So I did a bit of research and I found out that accommodating them would increase medical expenses by about 3 times as much as without them and that is accommodating only a very small number of soldiers. But your point about Viagra is a valid one. I think we need to get ALL of our priorities on point when it comes to money to be honest.

Also, the military spends 5x the amount you're talking about on viagra. Just to put things in perspective.

Ya I can't defend all costs that are nation does. I mean do you know how much money goes into painting jets? I mean their in the sky! why do you need camouflage when your in the sky and really loud!? lol

Exactly!! Our military waste is a huge problem. I just don't think that accommodating those serving our country falls under "waste". But what do I know. I never served.