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RE: Is modern feminism really feminist?

in #politics6 years ago

Found this quite the thought provoking piece, the videos went well.

One problem I have with this movement is similar to the issue you raised. It seems to be highly self contradictory, and logically flawed.

Those who support this worldview also tend to believe that there is a wage gap between men and women.

My question is: how can there be a wage gap if gender is a social construct??

Either men have it better than women, or there is no such thing as men and women.

Another problem with the "wage gap" argument is it's a multidimensional issue, which feminists tend to radically oversimplify for the sake of ideology.

One of the major reasons men get paid more than women on average is because men choose higher paying professions to start out with.

This isn't a result of "social engineering" either in Scandinavia, they have done the utmost to legislate away the difference between boys and girls at an early age, and give both boys and girls equal opportunities to pick whichever careers they like.

The results were there is a GREATER difference between male and female career choice, not lesser.

This tells me career choice is far more of a biological issue than the feminists would like to admit.

Men on average are more interested in things, women on average are more interested in people.

The result is men gravitate towards STEM field jobs, and women gravitate towards more social work.

If the solution then is to pay the social workers as much as the damn aerospace engineers, we've got a real problem on our hands, and might be headed for the next Soviet Russia.

Men on average are also more aggressive than women. If you took a male and a female and had to guess which one was more aggressive, if you picked the male, you'd be correct 60 percent of the time.

In fact if you took the one in 100 most aggressive people across your own state, invariably they'd all be men. And also in prison.

Men are more likely to die in combat, men are also more likely to work physical labor jobs, men are also more likely to be homeless, the list goes on. I believe it's also still a rule on a sinking cruise ship that women and children get on life boats first.

How can our society be a patriarchy if more often than not men get the raw end of the deal?

This leads me to conclude that feminism isn't about crusading for equal rights and egalitarianism.

It's about bitterness, domination and revenge.

Sorry for the rant, lol.


I agree, your argument reminds me of what is seen in this documentary.

There are many contradictions, sometimes too basic, to pass unnoticed. When there are many contradictions of that kind, and so much political turmoil in turn, everything seems to indicate that there is a trick behind all that.

Do not worry about ranting, I like to read, I do not receive many comments as you can see.