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RE: Do you believe in a Centralized Cabal trying to create a "New World Order"?

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I don't think it can be denied any longer when world leaders openly call for a "New World Order", the Central Banks do control the monetary systems worldwide for the most part and if a country attempts to avoid it, well we'll see them on CNN getting bombed to hell sooner or later or their leader assassinated so a puppet can be installed.

It's not a "belief" or a "conspiracy theory", it's quite simply a fact. To deny it these days simply shows others that the individual is still brainwashed and wants to continue sipping the Kool-Aid.


Do you believe they want to control us or enslave us or just use their power for their own benefit (whatever that would mean)? Are they just selfish like most of us or are thry evil?

I tend to think they see us as tools for whatever "progressive" agenda is under way. For instance they build a system around our own behavioral tendencies and add inputs to direct agendas that feed the system. And because they have high levels of resources and media networks spreading through the known world, they can spread one very powerful thing: propaganda.

Add to this the ability to create and pop bubbles (a limited level of currency control) and it begins to become more obvious how they can control --or at least sway--movements.

Nowadays in my own life, I don't worry about psychopathic authoritarians and what they want. I help out with projects that promote individual freedom, work on my yard, my business, and try to raise my kids as best I can.

That said, I do attempt to wake others up from their slumber, because years ago I too was drinking the Kool-Aid. I don't enjoy the back-n-forth discourse, which usually involves ad hominem attacks and bitterness, I just like to provide information I find useful and let others make up their own minds.

I tend to agree man. Just like JFK said, they aim to "use covet means" to reach their agenda. When you think of humanity and each individual it seems difficult to get all of them to do what one would want, but if one belongs to a small and coordinated group controlling 60%+ of the worlds wealth....then it becomes a bit easier to herd the sheep so to speak.

its a deep deep rabbithole... Definitely fact, but once you get past that the hard part is dealing with the Question of who and why?

Essential Reading is Ed Griffin's "The Creature of Jekyll Island" oh, and install this while you're at it...