BREAKING: Supreme Court decides that President Trump can enforce refugee ban

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Just came in from the Associated Press: "Supreme Court says Trump administration can enforce refugee ban for now." news source

Guess what? You can't stump the Trump!

Full obamacare repeal coming up next ;)


No surprise here. The President has the constitutional right to do this.



Exactly :)

God, you guys will keep rooting for the orange clown all the way up to ww3, just to get your big government immigration programms

that's all it took to get your endorsement. More government surveillance, more drugwar, the syria strikes, more spending, no real tax cuts for the lower income brackets, a goldman sachs administration, a rabid zionist attitude towards the middle east, escalating with north korea, escalating with iran, more spending, no ending the federal reserve, but you're willing to look past all that to get your useless border wall. I am disappointed with a lot of you America, you are the last hope and you are blowin it. We go from Ron Paul to Trump, great job !

Later I will also debunk all this bullshit claims you made because now I am on work. In the meantime go watch some CNN.

Please do. Add to the list the saudi arms deal, his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. Btw please stop thinking in 2D it's not because I don't endorse your savior that I am a Hillary Clinton supporter that watches CNN. In Fact maybe u should start turning off Fox News and Infowars and tune in to some real American patriot like Bill Cooper.
I wish you a successfull day at work, no hate here just frustration.

Keep imaginingg world wars. I know you wish it happens so that you can say "told ya' but no sorry, never happening under trump.

let's hope you are right !