Is it okay for a Politician to smoke marijuana recreationally?
He could be A President or Prime Minister or Mayor. Anyone really.
Do u think it will be detrimental to his work ethic?
Would u tolerate a leader That openly admits to smoking weed???
Is it okay for a Politician to smoke marijuana recreationally?
He could be A President or Prime Minister or Mayor. Anyone really.
Do u think it will be detrimental to his work ethic?
Would u tolerate a leader That openly admits to smoking weed???
I dont see any issue with smoking weed. It is proven to be less harmful than alcohol which most leaders will admit to taking as it is legal. Once a leader can do their job to a high degree should there free time not be theirs?
I agree
I think they would do a better job smoking dope I mean could they do a worse job in general.?
No they possibly couldnt do a worse job in general. Thanks!
Without dope there is no hope.
Upvote brother
I personally don't have a problem with it and would vote for a politician who smoked if he was honest with it and I was in agreement with his policy on other issues. Of course I would hope that he would have the discipline and self-restraint to not let it interfere with his work.