voluntaryism - this has the same problem as anarchy - it works fine on paper, As soon as you put people into it it breaks down.
This is also a child-like concept - I'll only to what I want to do and you can't make me.
Government is not violent and evil - people are violent and evil.
Any large group of people working together requires organisation, organisation requires control - control of the people = government no matter how you want to dress it up.
It's not that we need to get rid of governments, what we need are good governments that govern for the benefit of their people.
That's not what we have. Why? Because some idiot let the people into government and they just mess things up, with their personal agendas, petty hatreds and prejudices.
All those things don't go away for voluntaryism. You will still have the same problems, but with less controls.
That's fine if you are one of the powerful, or you have a bunch of mates who will stand up for you in your defense.
But what about the timid, the disabled, the immigrants, the vulnerable?
With no-one to stand up for them, they will become one thing - prey.
that's just the way the world is. I don't like it, and I'm sure you don't either, given your sentiments about non-violence, but a good section of the population is just not nice.
If you are a white male with a reasonable education, you won't encounter a lot of this sort of stuff.
But if you are not. If you have lower intelligence, if you are from somewhere else, if you are female, if you have (god forbid) coloured skin, then you are in for a very bad time as soon as the controls of government come off.
I'm always confused by people who say humanity is evil and greedy and can't be trusted, so the solution is to give humans who self-select to powerful positions lots of guns and tanks and a veneer of untouchability.