Canada Gives Clintons 241.5 MILLION!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

This is unbelievable, how CANADA can lower itself after all the articles, documents, documentaries, emails of the Clintons Foundation fraudulent activities, THEY STILL gave them $241.5 million Canadian (The Total of numerous contributions) of TAXPAYERS MONEY to “support projects that will provide critical sexual and reproduction health (SRH) services” around the world.
What a crock of shit! VIDEO HERE
Trudeau also gave $10 million to a convicted TERRORIST!


that's why she's called crooked Hillary

Donlad or Hillary? It´s hard decision, but I think Donald change the old structure. What do you think?

Technically its 20 million, But it shouldn't even be a dollar!!! That money is just going to pay for their houses and trips, etc. It's really quite disgusting. Thanks for posting the article.

CORRECT, The total is $20 million, which is a portion of a broader $241.5 million announcement of numerous contributions.