An idiot’s idea for a new branch of government

in #politics7 years ago

Okay, I’m on the first post. Now all I have to do is figure out how to start. I need to convey what this crazy idea I came up with is. Preferably, before someone starts thinking that this is merely another stupid millennial. Okay, this first blog post is about a fourth branch of government. Which means I need to convey what the idea is, what’s its purpose, how I think it will be implemented, when I expect to see it implemented, and if I think this is good idea. To top it off, I have to convince the audience that this is a good idea. Oh god, this is a lot of pressure. Okay go!

Alright one of the ideas I see in the future is a fourth branch of government. Okay this is technically not an idea I see in the future but actually legislation I see being implemented in the future. Also even though I’m calling this a fourth branch of government, it is possible that my ideas for this branch will merely just get added to the judicial branch. Let’s get back to the main point though, what is this crazy fourth branch of government idea that this idiotic dreamer has come up with. My idea for a fourth branch of government is basically creating a new governmental body whose sole purpose is to investigate crime and government corruption.

Okay, I know what you’re most likely thinking, “We already have governmental organizations that investigate crime and government corruption! We have the FBI.” You’re right we have the FBI, but I shouldn’t have to remind you that the FBI is not an independent organization. It’s run by the executive branch. My idea for the fourth branch is for it to be like the FBI except powerful enough to take on individuals within the the 3 current respective branches. This includes but is not limited to the president, members of Congress, and judges.

Before I move on, I just want to mention a few things to certain groups. Trump supporters, I came up with this idea before Trump came into office so do not email me saying I’m just a Hillary supporting ******* or anything like that. Free market enthusiasts, please do not email me saying the this is a terrible idea because government is bad and the last thing we should do is add more government, I already know you’re against this idea.

Moving on to the powers of this branch. The powers I see this branch having is merely the power is to investigate any member of the other branches of government or any citizen of the United States as long as they have probable cause to do so. If the branch finds any crimes linked to the individual then they can take it to the judicial branch. Something note worthy about this power is that it’s meaningless if the judicial branch refuses the case or throws it out.

Another power I see this branch having is the ability to help remove an individual from power if it is found that they have committed a crime, if the individual has been found committing unethical conduct, or if the individual has been found not doing their job. I see this fourth branch being able to choose a special jury of respectable individuals who have held the same job position as the individual being charged with a crime to impeach the charged individual. This will then lead to the judicial branch voting to remove the individual from their respective position. I see this power being used to fire teachers with tenure who don’t do their job but can’t be fired because they have tenure. I see this power being used to fire doctors who practice unethical conduct. I see this power being used to even remove senators who have committed several crimes from their position.

I also see this branch having the power to impeach the president just like the Legislative branch(Oh god I can hear the Trump supporters now). Unlike the legislative branch, it wouldn’t be members of this branch voting to impeach the president. After all as I mentioned before, this branch has to choose a special jury that has held the same position as the individual charged. Meaning in this branch they will bring together multiple former presidents or their respective First Ladies In place of them look at the evidence and see if the president is guilty of the crime committed. I feel this is a reliable method of convicting a president because there are things only a president would know and no one else knows what it’s like to be president better than the a former president or their First Ladies. Of course in order to eliminate bias: all chosen former presidents and former First Ladies must vote for the impeachment in order for the president to be impeached, there must be at least three former presidents or former First Ladies chosen for this procedure, former First Ladies can only be involved if their spouse is deceased, and all former presidents who are alive must be part of this jury.

Okay that is all of my ideas for my a fourth branch of government so now we will move on to when this will be implemented and how. Honestly, I don’t when this will be implemented or how. No country has ever had a fourth branch of government and on top of that I’m not a politician. In order for it to become part of the law, congress would have to vote it in maybe but when it will happen is anyone’s guess. The United States will probably be one of the last to implement it if it does happen at all.

Tell me what you all think about this idea for a fourth branch of government though. Should this branch even exist? Should it have the ability to investigate any individual as long as their is probable cause. Am I just a idiotic dreamer. Email me at