Trump Supporter Applauded For Peeing On The Floor

in #politics7 years ago

I know that many Trump supporters would admonish this behavior every bit as much as me, so please don't think I'm trying to paint all Trump supporters with the same brush. I hope we can all agree that conduct like this belongs on no side of any ideological, political, or social aisle.

The channels I mention at the beginning, which are being targeted by YouTube's crappy system, can be found here:
✅Mistaken Lunatics:
✅Hallowed Gaming:

I hope that you enjoy this little tirade.

Please note that I do read and upvote my favorite comments.


We all know that mainstream will still paint all Trump supporters with the same pee soaked brush.

"why do conservatives put so much weight in the symbolic"
Ask them what specific conservative policies do they support. Ask them which policies have actually helped the lower and middle class. They'll probably just say "THE WALL" and " DEPORT THEM MEXICANS". Ask them how this personally affects them right now. Bonus points if they bring up Obamacare and say "yeah but Obamacare lied and hurt me! libs hate americans!" Then point out Obamacare is the same type of healthcare system researched and funded by the Heritage Foundation and Mitt Romney. A conservative policy. Then ask them again which specific conservative policies have helped the lower and middle class.

Ask them what specific conservative policies do they support.

Tax cuts.

Ask them which policies have actually helped the lower and middle class.

Tax cuts.

Ask them how this personally affects them right now.

Wage raise and bonuses.

Romneycare was a betrayal of conservative principles. Mitt Romney is an establishment neocon and was the only Republican weak enough on Obamacare to lose 2012. Welfare is detrimental to society.

I swear stupid people alive today are trying their absolute best to live just so that they can attempt to disprove Darwin.

I'll sub to the channels and maybe I'll even give them some of my ever so precious watch time.

Personally, I don't fucking care about YouTube screwing my channel over because I only just started to post on it and no one sees that shit anyway. Especially since I get a hell of a lot more views and such for the same videos on Steemit. Still, if you want to check it out: Click here, only doing so knowing that it actually isn't worth the time and energy to move your finger.

Edit: I've checked The Mistaken Lunatics latest podcast, though I am only about 5 minutes in, it's entertaining and well deserving of what was originally meant to be a pity subscription.

Sometimes I really don't know what to expect from our own species :(

Just use the stall. It's a bit of a laff for the first several seconds but after the novelty very quickly wears off, it's disgusting and uncivilised.

the standard of a president should be high but this president has been the worst ever and his supporters approving of such behaviour is the worst thing that can ever happen

YouTube is killing itself and I think encouraging the smaller channels to move over to steemit/dtube would help.

I'm upvoting this idea.

It's like George always said "The kid who swallows too many marbles doesn't grow up to have kids of his own".

Somehow I'm not shocked by this and Im not just saying that because I love peeing on floors.

Good video Tj.

If there was a urinal with your picture in it TJ, I wouldn't piss on it.

I'd take a picture of it, send it to you then piss on it. Depending on how the result looks I may take another picture and send that one through as well.

Really reminds me of your old STOMP ON JESUS! video though, but because it is the current year we have gone from formal complaints about stepping on pictures of a deity in a classroom to literally pissing on the floor for a vapid political joke and bragging about it.

Maybe it's an analogy for how people deify political leaders into these people who can do no wrong to the point where innocent jokes are something to get very upset about and to rally against.

At least Trump is proven to exist, credit where it is due.

Maybe these crybabies could learn a lesson or two from R. Kelly and learn the loving nature of pissing on someone.

But Hillarys emails!!1

TJ is pissed! (And rightfully so...)

I mean, shit...We live in a country where even at Panda Express, they'll ask you to round up your order by one dollar to "save the pandas". But we can't even save our own impoverished. We live in a country where even our charities are corrupted. I don't know where that money's going. Probably into a CEO's hooker fund. I'll tell you what; if I see a panda on the street, I'll give him a dollar. Or maybe not. You know he's gonna spend it on drugs anyway! Lock your car doors when you see these bums under a bridge. Fuck your fellow mammal. We have that instinct in this country, that you simply don't see in most other civilized nations. We're special that way.

I never understood why symbolic gestures, like standing for the anthem, were taken so seriously. Those people who give a shit are the same as those that kiss the rosary, or stand up and sit down a thousand times at Mass. Look at me! I'm toeing the line.