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RE: You're being told a BIG LIE by the MSM again. It must be Tuesday. Again.

in #politics7 years ago

I think this is all a hoax. The Illegal Immigration problem was solved back in the 80's.
We gave complete Amnesty to all who were here and we created the I-9 Form in order to prevent Business from hiring persons not allowed to work. Since they can't work, they no longer have any reason to come here. So this is all a hoax. Must be, or else we were lied to in the 80's and all those billions of I-9's filled out by Americans were for nothing.


Tongue in cheek of course.

Part of the long term fix to "illegal immigration" will be a registry for guest workers, so that immigrants can come temporarily, work, and then go home.

And this will have to be coupled with strong sanctions on any business found to be hiring illegals.