The "Walkaway" Campaign - The Liberal Tolerance Mob Is Spitting Mad

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The grassroots social media campaign movement called The "Walkaway" Campaign is the brainchild of “former liberal” and New York actor and hair stylist Brandon Straka. It is a Facebook video campaign movement which is dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become. Some left the "left party" long ago and many have recently been “red-pilled”. Some have wanted to leave for a long time but were in fear the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they were to walk away.

Straka, who is openly gay, launched this campaign with his May 26 video testimony explaining that he originally became a liberal out of opposition to hatred, discrimination, groupthink, censorship, and junk science. He walked away from liberalism when he came to believe liberalism embodied rather than opposed those ills.

The group encourages and supports those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, watch the video testimonies, and read the posts of others who have walked away.

Straka’s video has been viewed more than half a million times and his campaign’s official Facebook Campaignhas more than 91,000 members, and there is reason to believe the movement may represent a deeper cultural shift. You can watch the videos posted by the group members by clicking this link

The group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, watch the video testimonies, and read the posts of others who have walked away. The campaign serves another very important purpose. For far too long, the left has controlled the narrative in this country within the news media, while the “silent majority” on the right have done what they always do – remain silent. The left has been allowed to reinforce the narrative that everybody on the right is a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, etc. The left has become so extreme and hateful that it is now time to fight back! We want people on the right to use their voices and tell the world the truth about whom they are by making videos telling everyone what it means to be a conservative in America and what your values really are. Tell minorities on the left, who have been told their whole lives that they are not welcome on the right because of the bigotry and hatred, that they are welcome. Tell them there is a seat at the table on the right for everybody.

Ex-liberal to progressives: Walk away
Fox News
You Tube
Published on Jul 2, 2018

Entitled Liberal Journalist Spits On The American People - ALEX JONES INFOWARS

Published on Jun 11, 2018

Ex-liberal to progressives: Walk away

You Tube
Fox News
Published on Jul 2, 2018


The #WalkAway Movement Is Huge! The Real Walk Away Story Being Underreported.

An0maly - News Analysis & Hip-hop
Published on Jun 29, 2018
The silent majority is starting to speak! What is the media & pop culture not understanding?

As for me, I hate politics and am "Walking Away" from all of them!! I'm going back to my Nature Walks, Photography, Travel Blogging and of course researching and writing for @familyprotection!

Let all those "Spitting Angry Birds" duke it out!

Child ProtectionAgencies are Taking Children Away from their Loving Families. These Familes Need Protecting! *** JOIN THE FAMILY PROTECTION COMMUNITY

Mahalo for your support!!


I think it is refreshing to see campaigns like this go viral, as we continually progress towards a "connected planet" where soon distance will make no barrier so we can all interact on an equal level wherever we might physically be it is more important then ever that we learn to not only tolerate - but embrace every aspect of culture and belief.

Every single person on this planet is unique, but for too long we have all become conditioned to fear what we do not understand or what is different or unusual. Until as individuals we can step back and say - "I believe what I believe, but I also embrace what others believe and respect their right to stand up for those beliefs." then conflict will prevail and we will still see people afraid to stand up for fear of ridicule.

Throughout my time on Steemit blogging I have encountered so many people, individuals around the world and it has taught me an incredibly important lesson - we are all human beings living on this planet equally deserving of our voice and opinion. It may just be that I am on the only person on this blockchain who has read posts, enjoyed content and responded based on what I read - instead of judging based on what I might find from looking at bio of the account. But I do not believe that, I see many people every day doing so much to help every person they come across - with no prejudice at all.

When so many will still try to push negativity on Steemit, on Steem and this blockchain I only see the positive and the good it promotes. With @youarehope founded by @sircork people in desperate need in the poorest regions of the world are getting real support through the power of the blockchain.

Through #teamgood I have seen a group of incredible people, pulled together by @battleaxe and @ancapbarbie dedicated to helping and supporting the most needy and deserving on Steemit. If anyone wants to be inspired, then looking through the posts using this tag is a very good start.

@enginewitty is doing more to promote people and Steemit then anyone else I see on here, through his community #thealliance he brings together and supports the most diverse range of content creators this platform has - and they unite as a unique family of every colour, creed, religion and language - a single great voice brought together by an inspired Witness that cares so much for every individual.

@adsactly have a community that is so incredibly diverse and powerful, and yet they listen to every single person regardless of status - offering a voice and platform for every account on Steemit whatever the size or standing.

I am sorry for hijacking your comments with this rant @thethreehugs , we are ourselves unique on this platform I remember when we first crossed paths so long ago, you in Hawaii and myself in the UK - different people but we somehow connect and understand each other (aside from my terrible Google Translate to Hawaiian!) and that truly is what makes Steemit such a special place - we can learn and share from so many people around the world.

The opportunity is here, right now, for Steemit to pull together and show the world a real multi cultural community can exist and flourish - I believe it can and I hope others do too.

#thealliance #witness

Best. Comment. Ever.

Hey my friend, with posts like this I not only welcome but solicit your "hijacking!" I agree with you 100% and feel the same way! We are all individuals and all living beings and creatures should be treated with the utmost dignity and respect. Most of the ones that are doing the despicable bidding of a few by refusing to allow Trump supporters into their businesses and spitting are simply acting out of fear and anger due to the lies that have been crammed down their throats by misguided puppets. Fortunately many are finally "waking up" and learning to think speak for themselves.

My dear friend, I for one am grateful our paths crossed and grateful for my friend, also from London pushed me to join steemit. It is indeed a truly special place. A true sense of community that gives us the opportunity to learn and grow without prejudice, discrimination or racism. It's caring and sharing people like yourself and others that makes it so special.

"The opportunity is here, right now, for Steemit to pull together and show the world a real multi cultural community can exist and flourish - I believe it can and I hope others do too." It is platforms like this that has the ability to make true and positive change for the benefit of all!!

Politics are pointless. It is sad to see so many people unwilling to take responsibility for their lives putting their faith in politicians. Politicians only serve themselves.

Yeah, never underestimate the power of group/crowd influence. This is ON TOP of the fact that there is the MASS of us already in place, with a DEVELOPED body of knowledge and research to present to these people who are just now crossing over in a GROWING mass. It's the whole "100th monkey" effect. As I have commented on one of your recent posts, communism is SELF-DESTRUCTIVE by its very nature. The REAL issue at this point is HOW MUCH COLLATERAL DAMAGE will need to incur before the pendulum swings far enough in the RIGHT direction so that we can begin to move FORWARD instead of BACKWARD... It's nice to see that people like Alex Jones (DISCLAIMER : NOT an endorcement) has put $10,000 towards the movement (on the GoFundMe page). If we can now get EVERYONE who is making those testimonial videos to put their money where their mouths are - like even jst a $1.00 USD donation - these ARE generally people with financial security overall) then we will REALLY start moving toward the ultimate goal...

An interesting post @thethreehugs on a newly created movement...It will be interesting to see 'how' this growing trend will effect/affect the coming U.S. elections...

"explaining that he originally became a liberal out of opposition to hatred, discrimination, groupthink, censorship, and junk science. He walked away from liberalism when he came to believe liberalism embodied rather than opposed those ills."

The above quote by Brandon Straka is one which I think a great many 'deceived' people may easily come to relate to, and become 'self-thinkers' once again, or 'self-thinkers' for the first time in their lives.

The 'Neo' prefix to political left 'or' right, and those who identify with it, may be an indication of serious mental illness...The walk-a-way movement, might be the cure.

Yes, I think you are right on! Many hardcore Democrats and so called librettist are finally waking up and realizing they have been deceived and lied to. They are as sick of all the "control freaks" as we are.

The 'Red Pill' might be the greatest gift to mankind within this decade?

I certainly hope so!

Thank you so much for sharing this post so nice to see a post.

You are most welcome.

It's ok friend


You are most welcome