Here's a pic of my 02' V-Rod I sold a few months ago- had her for more than ten years but sold her due to lack of riding- AWESOME machine- I whacked anything stock out of the hole- she would do 70 in 2nd- motor was designed by Porsche- incredible machine indeed. Was honored to have been her caretaker for so long. A drag race speedster that felt good in the curves! And of course the original model year in anodized aluminum - the only true V-Rods- LOL
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It had 4 cylinders and was water cooled?
It must have been a beast.
Just two- is a V-Twin and yes water cooled - the first WC Harley ever yet shunned by the Harley community.. With the Rhinhart racing pipes and Power Commander module she was cranking out about 120hp and that motor would HUM baby- I would wind her out to 7-8gran- that's what that motor was made for- I did over 125 more than once but the solid wheels mess with stability at those high speeds. Total ROCKET!
Well, to be fair Harley pukes never were the brightest crayons in the box.
Their demigod, Sonny B., said if he would have it to do over he would get a bmw.