The Jimmy Dore Show Now on Steemit!

in #politics7 years ago

Hello Folks,

The Jimmy Dore Show is now on Steemit!

The Jimmy Dore Show is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics, and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author, and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the United States. It is part of the Young Turks Network - the largest online news show in the world.

Stay tuned for future posts!


Finally Jimmy! What took you so long? Welcome to the decentralized,zero censorship world!

Hi Jimmy, just followed you over here from Youtube and am learning my way around here. Hoping that this platform will grow massively and more Progressives will come over here as well.

So happy to see you here <3

Welcome Jimmy! Fight that good fight! We're with u, man.

It seems you have ideas somewhat different from the TYT post 20 million dollar input. Your ideas resonate with the pre-$20,000,000.00 TYT, however, the main show is now compromised. Happy you are sticking to your conscience.

I here to just support any anti-war show that is out there. 100 percent support for anti-war news all the way! Regards from Serbia. Good job JDS team!

It is great to see another progressive come to the Steemit platform. Will all your Youtube content be posted here so i don't have to go there to get it?

I keep getting upvotes on this comment and it has been months since i posted it and i appreciate that. In fact i think almost all of the upvotes came after the initial 7 day payout period which means all the voting power has been wasted. I also made that mistake when i was new. Any upvotes after the 7 day payout period of posting are essentially wasted so make sure that there is still pending payout to make it worth it.

Ideally, once we get the team used to the platform.

dont worry it took me 9 days to get steemed and then 7 hours to find my keys in my wallet ;0

Chicky! It’s Winham. I didn’t know you were on steemit. Hi. I’m still trying to figure this thing out.

heya winham i am now following you i hope hope hope yo are following me
baby steps we'lll be pros in no time

Howdy! I am following you. I’m slowly getting the hang of this. I gotta keep checking my replies. I keep forgetting. I’m used to getting notifications.

i forget bout the replies tooo .... like this one sorry for the delay i am stooopid ;0


Welcome Jimmy!

PS. Where is Kyle Kulinski?

Glad to see you on Steemit, Jimmy!

Way to go Jimmy!!! You should make the move and make Steemit / your main channel. I am sure a LOT of your fans will follow...
A big giant F- You to YouTube and their corporate controlled censorship! Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is the future of the internet. Our corporatocracy will fail to see this and it will be too late for them once they do! BooHoo!

It's way too soon to drop YouTube entirely. Many would come along, but many would just no longer see his content and not even realize it. But he can definitely promote dtube as an alternative and maybe use it to post exclusive content for patrons or something. I'm excited to see how they handle this, Jimmy supporting this platform could be really helpful toward getting people on board.


Glad you're here Jimmy, I can almost quit youtube now

Jimmy your Show cures my depression

Only now I noticed that you joined Steemit community as well. Nice to see another voice from youtube coming here. Welcome:)

Thank you for helping us progressives in the UK Jimmy Dore! we need all the help we can get!

Great to have an alternative place to watch your stuff Jimmy. Keep the truth coming brother, we appreciate you.

Newbie here - how do I make sure I get notifications/follow Jimmy? I can't see it anywhere, or is that not a thing on Steemit....So glad he's here! F-YT!!!

Tap on thejimmydoreshow next to his picture.

Yay! Love you! Favorite show!


Yeeeeesss! Go Jimmy!

We don't need a revolution, we need to exercise the rights we already have. We have all the rights we need to change the way things are run and done but as pointed out in the video 1/2 the people don't vote. I might add to that "and those that do accept the notion that if they don't vote for a Democrat or Republican then I am throwing away my vote" is almost as self-defeating as not voting at all. I understand the feeling that we (the average citizen) are not being represented by the elected politicians, putting the blame solely on those with money and or power is only revealing some of the issues that have led us to this point. Making excuses for people who don't vote because they don't like the candidates offered is not going to solve the problem. If a person is able to vote and they choose not to, do they deserve to be represented? People don't have to vote only Democrat or Republican. Don't like who's on the ballot, then write someone in. Those that say "if you don't vote for a Democrat or Republican is just throwing their vote away because they are the only ones who can win" are the ones throwing their vote away. That is exactly what the Democrats and Republicans want you to think and act on accordingly to limit the competition and increase their power and control. There is a lot more to be said for overcoming the lack of representation of the common citizen then what was said in the video or in my response to it.