US Election 2024

in #politics5 months ago

I have been voting in this country since I was 18 years old (1984) and looking back on that history I may have sat out one election (1988?) because I was apathetic to politics at that time. But ever since the 1992 elections I have been hooked on Politics and have closely watched all that has happened in Washington. I have seen the polarizing of American Politics ever since Newt Gingrich was speaker of the house in the 90’s. He did everything he could to block any legislation that would allow Clinton to look good. This was the beginning of partisan politics that has evolved into the political division that we see today. Both sides are guilty of it, both sides have won elections because of it, gone are the days when deals were made in smoke-filled rooms, where our leaders reached across the aisle and came to a compromise on issues. Today, all we have is both parties pointing fingers at each other, name-calling, making empty promises, and doing whatever they can to make the other party look like the demon that haunts us in our dreams.

With all of that being said, this election boils down to two choices. The current Vice President of the United States, who was a part of the greatest expanse of the US Economy in decades, the greatest job growth in history, and a platform and policies that did nothing but try and enhance and benefit the middle class. The Stock market is at an all-time high, there is no division in the administration, they are not demeaning Americans based on race, gender, or country of origin. The goals proposed by the future Harris administration will continue those values, will continue policies that benefit all Americans and unlike her opponent, will not go after “enemies” but instead will go after a to-do list to benefit the American people.

The second choice is a man who is only interested in benefiting himself, he doesn’t care about the country, and does nothing but talk about his “enemies”. He has been convicted of 34 felonies, he is a convicted sex offender, he instigated a coup on the United States on January 6, 2021, he is responsible for dismantling Roe, he and his VP have already stated that they plan on dismantling the US Economy and starting from scratch, they will provide tax breaks for his billionaire friends, he will bow to the Dictators of Russia, North Korea, and China. All of his former cabinet members except ONE (Nikki Haley) have endorsed Kamala Harris, as have all of his former Generals who were his military advisors and have deemed him unsuitable for the Oval Office. To top all of that off, he has shown clear signs of beginning-stage dementia. He is 78 years old, the oldest candidate for President in history, even topping Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s. These are only a few of the reasons why this man is unfit for the Presidency.

So as we head to the polls tomorrow, please vote with your conscience, with your common sense, and with the future of the United States in mind.

May God bless The United States of America...

#Vote2024 #HarrisWalz2024 #TrumpIsUnfitForOffice