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RE: Why I do not watch TV!

in #politics8 years ago

Oh and I got stuck on JJ, on episode 2 or 3. It had that creepy atmosphere that I just personally don't like. Is it really that good that I should sit through the parts I dont like? I watched all other Marvel series and love Davids Doctor.


I watched the series JJ straight through on Netflix twice ! Great binge-watching program!
Thank you for mentioning WestWorld - that was the very last series I enjoyed and forgot to mention 👍

Im telling you... Legion... oh wait we already talked on another post about that one :D. I will definitely give JJ another try! Haven't watched much entertainment lately always just politics and news...

You remembered! 😀
Legion is the next show I'll watch on my next long haul flight; my thanks again for the recommendation 😊