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in #politics7 years ago

Well, you know we Germans let everyone into our country, see refugee crisis ;D. I feel like you would love it here. Well, except for all the bureaucracy. But in Germany we are very "dont do to something to someone, you don't want to be done to yourself".
That's why we can have the fastest highways on earth, because most of us have some sort of common sense.
Deutschland has also many different regions. The most beautiful I saw yet was the Loreley. You got old castles, wine bergs and the mighty Rhine flowing through the landscape.


Well, you know we Germans let everyone into our country, see refugee crisis

I believe if I were to immigrate to Germany that I should respect and learn your culture. I believe it would be wrong of me to try to force your country to change to my beliefs and practices.

That seems to be a problem that the refugee crisis is causing all over Europe not just Germany. These refugees don't seem to have any interest in becoming part of your society. The seem to want to force your society to fit their desires.

That is a problem. That is actually the number one reason I likely would not visit Germany at the moment. I don't consider it particularly safe with all of that going on, especially for an American... we're pretty hated all over due to our dumb ass government and it's evil ways.

But in Germany we are very "dont do to something to someone, you don't want to be done to yourself".

So if I am a sado-masochist and like to be whipped can I walk around in the streets whipping people?

I am just messing with you. That has been my recent problem with that particular idea. What if you like people doing stuff to you that a lot of people don't like? There are other variations of that concept even going back into ancient Egypt which I believe can be phrased with what the intent was without leaving some nasty loophole for a psychopath or sociopath. :)

So if I am a sado-masochist and like to be whipped can I walk around in the streets whipping people?

ehm, S&M is reeallly huge in Germany. We are also very, "what you do behind closed doors is your buisness"... well, at least if you are not too loud xD.

Ofc there has been stuff like people killing each other involving canibalism, but I really don't want to talk about this, Canibalism and medical operations are things I can not talk or think about. No joke, it grosses me out too much.

Well S&M is not really my thing. I just was using as an example of DOING UNTO OTHERS as YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU.

That may not always be a good thing. LAUGH

well, the caps are suspicious ;D.

But if you were into S&M you would have known it is huge here.

I know Germany is liberal about a lot of things that the U.S. can still be quite prudish about.

yeah, its just a different society. As long as you are foresightful in your actions, ie not randomly talk to loud. Sure you can have a laugh, but actually one of the major things I see Germans get annoyed about (especially when it comes to foreigners) when they are talking really loud with each other in their own language.

If your are sitting in the train at 2:00 am on a weekend completly hammered with your friends (almost) everything goes. People know they are in for a ride when they enter the train at this time.

Heh, I don't drink alcohol. My mind is pretty weird as it is. I don't actually need any chemical assistance in making it weirder. :) I am never at a loss for something to talk about. :)

As to talking... I took 3 classes of German in High School which is nearing 30 years ago. I haven't really spoken it since, but I am one of those that if I spent much time around it I'd pick it up fairly quickly.

I haven't spoken or read any of it myself in so long that I wouldn't even attempt it now, but I seem to be okay with picking up languages if I am exposed to them enough.

I also like German. I took a class of French in College and that language drove me insane. All of the silent letters annoyed me. We have some in English, but the French took silent letters you write but don't actually pronounce to a whole new level. That drove me crazy. :)

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