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RE: I Do Not Want "Closed Borders" Because I'm Not An Immoral, Fearful Idiot

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Let's look at this 'practically'...Building a Concrete Monstrosity costing billions of dollars ISN'T going to stop illegal immigration...WHY?...because that wall ends at the Ocean where there IS no wall on both sides...people will use rafts & boats to float in!(the Coast Guard is already working over time) If you build a 35 foot tall wall...there will be somebody on the OTHER side selling 36 foot tall LADDERS!...Of course, we haven't included the tunnels as well...or somebody plastering C4 explosives & blowing a HOLE in it...Facing facts...Only Vigilance REALLY works at all...Posting the National Guard & more Immigration officers might NOT be PERFECT...but it's a d@mned sight better than putting up a billion dollar White Elephant there! Economically...if EMPLOYERS would QUIT giving JOBS to illegals then they would have no reason to be here...Illegals PICK our fruits & vegetables...service our hotels...wash our cars...& do MANY jobs that OUR spoiled population would NEVER do @ $3.00 an hour! But on the flip side Trump CLAIMS our minimum wage is TOO HIGH!...I am a Classical Anarchist...that means I believe Only an elimination of the State will work! And to me...putting a Fascist in office is NO elimination of the STATE!...Oh yes, I nearly forgot...It was a great piece&it got my vote!