Trump: Neocon Puppet, Populist Hero, or Baffling Buffoon, or all three?

in #politics6 years ago

To be honest and sincere, I will state that my opinion of Trump is not that of the current media narrative being churned out by the various dubious neoliberal news outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, as well as many others. However, that being said, my feelings on the president are very much mixed.

On the one hand, I'm glad that he gave the effort to axe the TPP on one of his first days of being in office, and I'm glad he made somewhat of an effort to restore domestically available jobs in manufacturing, other industries, and possibly tech. In spite of this, I hate and despise his hawkish approach in respect to foreign policy matters relating to North Korea as well as Iran.

But, I loved his approach to make peace with the Syrians (until 2017 or 2018 - you be the judge), and the Russians. Many will state that he sided with a dictator using chemical weapons in Syria (not true at all - I would recommend doing research into why those claims were false), and a vast collection of the population will state that he was manipulated and given an advantage in the 2016 election by trolls who hacked the voter booths.

Despite this, both of these claims against the individuals or nation states, in which Trump wanted to have detente with - were at least two-fold lies at best, and a taradiddle at worst.

Aside from foreign-policy, and in respect to his political doctrine on immigration, I would agree with his desire to have stronger borders and a less flexible immigration system - that does not favour the wholesale lottery of visas to people from areas of the globe that do not respect the culture and values of the United States. On the other hand, I realize it is logically impossible to construct a border that will succeed to work in complete totality - at least with Mexico due to the sheer cleverness of drug cartels that escape and evade border authorities due to the sea, air, and digging underground in sparsely populated regions of the Mexican desert.

In summation, the US border is not the Hungarian border, which is landlocked within a heavily populated continent - that has less flexible water space for migrants to evade the authorites of border patrols in the Adriatic sea - coming to Hungary or some other Eastern-European checkpoint en route to Germany.

Though, you could say the border wall would act as a safeguard against illegal migrants and human traffickers with amateur skills. And, the results could be very real.

Long story short, Trump is a president that could literally be everything, but he is not what the mainstream media could call him as being - a Russian colluder and a man who wishes to have a proxy front for a supposed dictator with supposed chemical weapons.

Lastly, I wanted comments on whether or not you would call Trump a neocon puppet, a populist hero, or a baffling buffoon. You be the judge of how you see Trump. But don't rely on the corrupt corrupt media for any kind of genuine view on him as a politican or a person.


Yea, not mutually exclusive, and likely all three.

He is a man of interesting times, and a man who is interesting himself, both for the better and for the worse.