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RE: If All Lives Mattered – We Wouldn’t be Having this Discussion

in #politics7 years ago

at first I was again one of those stupid idiot who preach redistribution when in fact he just want to have the mcmansion down the street... but reading from the end... you are right. the problem is that to oppose that violence is the worst option of them all. the thing is that racism is a two way street. Built it yourself. rather than wanting "white" business to work for "blacks" build black business that work for black...

and a serious question, what happened to the african space program? there is serious question to be asked, culturally too, obama was a traitor and weak coward for sure, but his way (study, learning to speak white american, clothing, manners, culture) lead him to be elected 2 times president...

it is easy to tear down statues or be right about the plant scam, while on the other hand have black on black violence or black on white beyond all level imaginable...

freebies ain't real. lion hunt in the jungle.

I find African (exculding the neonazi anti white, like in south africa or rodhesia) more welcoming, warming, kinder, and ultimately more confident and sereine compared to afro american... this revenge shit...

you know white just took the slaves, who were enslaved by other blacks (and forgeting of the muslims slave trade). rather than racial or skin color, in a divisive controlled marxian way, why not focus on single issues, like : who is dumb enough to make plants of the earth illegal? there you see, you get the native american support and all the constitutionalist and all the libertarians...

rather than fall in the trap, of my skin, my race, my future conquest...

I don't feel welcomed in black neighborhood, I experience racism, intimidation and unease of doing trade... while in chinese (asian) neighborhood, I feel safe, welcomed and happy to trade, eat and have fun.



Wow, You did reply a lot! Guess every one is in titled to there own opinions!