Malthusian Catastrophe: A Study in Agenda 21 Origins

in #politics8 years ago

Perhaps you have heard of Agenda 21. If not, then you are falling behind. The new name for Agenda 21 is Agenda 2030, and Agenda 2030 appears ready to transition to the next phase of this global domination program put together by the ruling elite classes associated with the United Nations. Like its predecessor Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, by many accounts, looks like a blueprint for population reduction and control. When examined through awakened eyes it is not far-fetched to imagine the potential for worldwide disaster.

Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, or whatever its next evolution morphs into and is called by, finds its origins in what is known as the Malthusian Catastrophe; a theory conveyed by a man named Thomas Malthus as early as 1779. Malthus believed that there was a direct correlation between the availability of food and the population for a particular region of the world; arguing that the number of people living in a specific area was restricted by the amount, and availability of food for that area. In other words, the population could not outgrow the resources that were readily available to it.


Shortly after WWII the industrialization of the food chain in developed countries was completed. By mechanizing agricultural tools and equipment, man was able to drastically increase agriculture production and yields. This eventually resulted in a surplus of food crops, which in turn impacted crop prices causing them to drop dramatically. As a direct result of this moment in agricultural history, population numbers escalated rather rapidly in developed countries around the world. It was also during this time that prominent biologists began predicting a Malthusian Catastrophe, based solely on the uptick in population numbers, without taking into account the continuous gains in productivity that occurred simultaneously.

In more recent times, an individual named Audrey Tomason, who many claim is the most secretive member of Obama’s Counterterrorism/US Intelligence cabal, has conveyed what has become known as the “Apocalypse Equation.” This thesis was penned while Ms. Tomason was attending Harvard. According to various reports this thesis was considered to be of such significance it warranted being reclassified as “Top Secret.” In short, the Tomason thesis suggests that the governments of the world would be better off conducting humanely planned and executed genocidal programs for their people, rather than endure the chaotic future of a world depleted of its resources.


People like Ms. Tomason, and those who have written the UN Agenda 21 and 2030 Sustainable Development paradigms, are essentially arguing that our population will one day outsize the arable land we have available for growing crops. Arable land refers to that capable of withstanding the planting, growing, and reaping of crops on a yearly basis. Now, while that is a statistical possibility, it also a natural improbability. While the amount of arable land on Earth is limited and finite resource, the frequency of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is an unknown entity that wreaks havoc on population equations across the board.

Supporters of the Agenda 21 and 2030 platforms are those in positions of wealth and power, and rightly so, for there are provisions for ensuring their livelihoods as well as those of their family members. They have nothing to fear from any genocidal suggestions they put in play. Whenever you hear the term “sustainable development,” in conjunction with a government program, you can be assured of two things; #1) they plan on controlling as many of Earth’s resources as possible, and #2) they consider the lower classes to be expendable resources.

In short, the “elected” governments of the world do not have their citizens’ best interests at heart. They are concerned for themselves and the future of their families and children at all costs. Make no mistake about it, when a government feels threatened, it will respond in dramatic fashion and with rapid precision. Should the world’s resources ever reach a level of depletion the ruling class considers unsustainable, the sheeple will pay the price. The time to wake people up to the reality of government has arrived. The only person responsible for ensuring the life of you and your family, is…you and your family! Reliance on government controlled infrastructures is a recipe for disaster. Get educated and be prepared to fight for your survival if the need ever arises!

Note: Tom DeWeese has made it his mission to expose the U.N.'s planned Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 and what is really going on behind the Sustainable Development propaganda. I would recommend visiting his website: to dig deeper into the facts and learn the truth.

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Sounds like the holocaust all over again.

Governments by nature all become corrupt. It cold very much be a second holocaust on America soil with the aid of foreign troops.