How do you explain the people that are less immune to their brainwashing/conditioning/forms of control? The people that make up the State at end of day are still individuals like you and I.
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How do you explain the people that are less immune to their brainwashing/conditioning/forms of control? The people that make up the State at end of day are still individuals like you and I.
@superfluousman a year back all my arguments would have been backed by science. Because the very word science represents the truth and is founded in facts but it is because we were made to believe so. A recent study done by a scientist himself concluded that 50% of all the scientific studies out there in the world of science is questionable at best.
I can agree with you in part, like @vieira explains in the hierarchy above that at the lower level it is normal people running the show but I think (and it is only my opinion. Okay not my opinion but someone else's opinion ) that higher up there might be rulers not like you and me, making the plans (shun me for talking conspiracy theories). If one would quote the work of David Icke and I do hear him say a lot of time "I don't give a damn"... : )
Maybe he is wrong but how do you argue against something you have not studied/researched yourself. Up to recently I've always thought he is as crazy as bat shit (saying I've picket up recently here on steemit).